Law for Social Workers & a Dictionary of Social Work and Social Care Pack
These two essential texts have been packaged together to offer great value for both social work students and professionals working in the field. Law for Social Workers has been supporting social work students and professionals for over 20 years. Written by a qualified social worker and experienced lecturer team, the new edition continues to provide an accurate, jargon-free account of the law, with helpful diagrams and case studies included throughout. The 13th edition also features 'The Social Worker's Toolkit', offering practical advice on topics such as going to court, preparing evidence, and writing reports, and provides the ideal support while on placement or in the workplace. The book is accompanied by a fully interactive Online Resource Centre with features for students and lecturers. A Dictionary of Social Work and Social Care provides over 1,500 A-Z definitions of terms from the field. Covering social work theories, methods, policies, organizations, and statutes, as well as key terms from interdisciplinary topics such as health and education, this is the most up-to-date dictionary of its kind available. It also provides extended entries on specialisms such as children and families, domestic violence, and residential care.