Judas Iscariot
Dave illustrates a viewpoint of Judas Iscariot' actions are a crucial part of our salvation and that Judas was honored by Jesus. There is more than just someone to blame for Jesus' crucifixion. A new church was being formed with Jesus at the center. This advanced theology narrative is not for the faint-hearted beginner on their new path to eternity. Let us continue with the four Gospels for new members of the church. Dave takes us through the formation of the early church. Through the customs and traditions of the times and how much Judas was special to Jesus. Judas was the scapegoat providing the populace with someone to unite against as the reason Jesus died. He was more educated, thoughtful, and able to get the deeds done that needed to be borne by "Good Friday". Even to the point of goading the authorities into crucifying Jesus now rather than after the feast. With Judas as the "Demon of Satan", the church was able to be united. The Conference of Nicaea reaffirms traditions and lays the plan for the church to grow by providing selected works to be included in a Bible. God's hand definitely inspired these men. Here we are 2,000 years later, women are preachers, and all the apostles went forth to preach (including Judas) and many of our inhibitions and doctrines have been laid to rest. Finally, Dave ends with Grace is given to all of us, Jew, and gentile alike. When the Lord said "forgive them, they know not what they do" he asked God in his name to forgive all of us, Romans, Greeks, us and even Judas. We are all forgiven. So, if Jesus can forgive, can we do less? Our salvation is only dependent on our believe that Jesus died for all of our sins; past, present and future. There is an underlying current to Dave's work. Go forth! Prosper, enjoy life, and live the abundant life. We need to revisit Judas' role of traitor. Judas is actually a Saint.