Growing Up With Dyslexia The Remix
Growing Up With Dyslexia The Remix By Author David F Anderson Sr All copyrights reserved by Author David F Anderson Sr The writers cut 2024. One of the great things about self-publishing your work is the ability to rewrite. That is why this is my second bite of the apple. I am trying. Table of content Self-publishing, page 1. Disclaimer, page 3. Dyslexia, page 4. Opening, page 5. Understanding, page 6. Chapter 1 From the start, page 8. Chapter 2 The Outcome, page 20. Chapter 3 Alone, page 31. Chapter 4 Candy, page 34. Chapter 5 Possing, page 39. Chapter 6 Pressure, page 49. Chapter 7 Fighting, page 61. Chapter 8 Deb, page 68. Chapter 9 In love, page 83. Chapter 10 Missed, page 98. Chapter 11 Crashing down, page 110. Chapter 12 Starting over, page 121. Chapter 13 Test Results, page 125. Chapter 14 Imagine, page 130. Chapter 15 No Endorsements, page 132. Special thanks, page 140. To my children page 141. Making of My Life page 142. Remember page 143. Did you know page 144? Help page 148. Copyrights page 150 Disclaimer Before you read any further, you should understand. I have dyslexia. It is a learning disability. I have no training in writing at all. Everything in this book, from cover to cover, is me. I am the writer, editor, cover designer, and I am in charge of sales. My stories come to me like little movies. That is the only point of view from which I can write. This style allows me to write. It is a style that is easy to follow. I sincerely thank you for reading my story, Dyslexia is a learning disability that affects about forty-five million people right here in the US, some 15% of the population, and millions more around the world. There is no cure for dyslexia. You only learn to live with it. Opening I had gone my whole life almost without telling anybody that I had dyslexia. For fear, I was the only one. For fear, I would be made fun of. Now, I know one out of every six people has some form of learning disability. It would be impossible for you not to know someone who has dyslexia. One out of every six people. With a story similar to mine. Understanding It is hard for people sometimes to understand exactly what my dyslexia is. Especially since it does not affect everybody in the same way. I am only going to speak about my dyslexia. I wanted to explain it to you. This comparison is the easiest way. If you have ever seen the movie Fifty Dates. With Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler. In the movie, Drew's in an auto accident with injuries to the brain, and she loses her short-term memory. That is almost precisely what I have. I could meet you today. We can have lunch and a conversation. I will remember what we talked about. I will remember everything that we ordered. What the inside of the building looked like. What you were wearing. But I will not remember your name or even the date we met. I cannot remember any dates. I cannot remember names. For me, the letters and numbers all jump around on the page. It is the same thing when I am trying to write. I have to be very careful, especially on numbers. I just wanted you to understand what I am discussing in this book. I hope you enjoyed the read. Thank you, Author David F Anderson