I'm Not Ok and Neither Are You
Break the chains of the past. Everyone has an emotional problem, some personal issue that disrupts relationships, steals joy, and stunts spiritual growth. It's inevitable considering our sin nature, our personal needs, and the pain we experience in life. But emotional problems need not be permanent. In I'm Not OK and Neither Are You, Dr. David Clarke, author of Men Are Clams, Women Are Crowbars and The Total Marriage Makeover, provides a clear, practical plan to break the chains of the past. If you're eager for real freedom, you need this Bible-based plan. It'll take work on your part, but the benefits are truly life-changing! "What a wonderful book! I found out that I'm normal and, maybe even better. I found out that you're normal too. Now we can talk." -Steve Brown, author, Bible professor, and speaker on syndicated radio program Key Life "A no-nonsense confrontation with emotional and psychological healing that is based upon scripture carefully and lovingly applied. It is an investment in happiness." -Harold J. Sala, founder and president, Guidelines International Ministries