The Case for Universal Health Care
With the exception of the United States, all developed nations provide their citizens with quality, affordable health care. And, despite its having expanded access through such programs as Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP, and the Affordable Care Act, nearly 20 million Americans still do not have health insurance. The cost of providing care in the United States will soon be unsustainable. It surely makes sense to consider an option that ensures health care is accessible to all its citizens and is fully funded regardless of vicissitudes in the national economy. This book is a must read for anyone concerned with the failure of the current system and looking for an alternative. Colton’s proposal for universal health care is thoroughly explained including: a description of services provided how we’ll pay for it how it is organized for delivery why it will save consumers money, and how it will ensure standards for quality and clinical effectiveness. “In this incisive and comprehensive book, David Colton take on the formidable task of explaining how America’s health care system works, why it fails in terms of cost, efficiency and quality of care and why it must be reformed... an invaluable resource ...” JILL QUADAGNO, Author, One Nation Uninsured: Why the US Has No National Health Insurance “ excellent book, making a most unwieldy subject accessible and interesting to read. He deftly brings in pop culture, personal stories, and history in a way that brings this important public policy question come alive...” JULIE SALAMON, author, Hospital “A must read for anyone concerned about America’s health care system, especially those advocating for single-payor and “Medicare for All”... Highly recommended.” STEVEN A. MOSHER, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Health Care Administration