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A Synoptic Review of the Ant Genera (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the Phillippines
A Synoptic Review of the Ant Genera (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the Phillippines
This large work on the ant genera of the Philippines improves our understanding of the amazing biodiversity of the archipelago. Twelve genera, including 3 undescribed, are recorded from the country for the first time for a total of 92 genera. The simplified keys will allow students to identify ants to the generic level. In addition, the species list has more than doubled to 474 valid names since Baltazar (1966). The authors hope to spur interest in the study of ants in the Philippines since the ant diversity of many islands is still largely unexplored.
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Second Language Acquisition and Lifelong Learning
Second Language Acquisition and Lifelong Learning
Language fundamentally defines and distinguishes us as humans, as members of society, and as individuals. As we go through life, our relationship with language and with learning shifts and changes, but it remains significant. This book is an up-to-date resource for graduate students and researchers in second language (L2) acquisition who are interested in language learning across the lifespan. The main goal is to survey and evaluate what is known about the linguistic-cognition-affect associations that occur in L2 learning from birth through senescence (passing through the stages of childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and third age), the extent to which L2 acquisition may be seen as contributing to healthy and active aging, the impact of the development of personalized, technology-enhanced communicative L2 environments, and how these phenomena are to be approached scientifically and methodologically. The effects of certain specific variables, such as gender, socio-economic background, and bilingualism are also analyzed, as we argue that chronological age does not determine the positioning of L2 learners across the lifespan: age is part of a complex web of social distinctions such as psychological and individual factors that intersect in the construction of a learner’s relative status and opportunities.
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A landmark work from one of the preeminent historians of our time: the first published biography of Andrew W. Mellon, the American colossus who bestrode the worlds of industry, government, and philanthropy, leaving his transformative stamp on each. Andrew Mellon, one of America’s greatest financiers, built a legendary personal fortune from banking to oil to aluminum manufacture, tracking America’s course to global economic supremacy. As treasury secretary under Presidents Harding, Coolidge, and finally Hoover, Mellon made the federal government run like a business–prefiguring the public official as CEO. He would be hailed as the architect of the Roaring Twenties, but, staying too long, would be blamed for the Great Depression, eventually to find himself a broken idol. Collecting art was his only nonprofessional gratification and his great gift to the American people, The National Gallery of Art, remains his most tangible legacy.
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Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction
Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction a thorough understanding of what myofascial pain actually is, and provides a unique and effective approach to the diagnosis and treatment of this syndrome for the lower body muscles.
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Carbon Sequestration for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
Carbon Sequestration for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
This book provides an understanding of the role of human activities in accelerating change in global carbon cycling summarizes current knowledge of the contemporary carbon budget. Starting from the geological history, this volume follows a multidisciplinary approach to analyze the role of human activities in perturbing carbon cycling by quantifying changes in different reservoirs and fluxes of carbon with emphasis on the anthropogenic activities, especially after the industrial revolution. It covers the role of different mitigation options – natural ecological, engineered, and geoengineered processes as well as the emerging field of climate engineering in avoiding dangerous abrupt climate change. Although the targeted audience is the educators, students, researchers and scientific community, the simplified analysis and synthesis of current and up to date scientific literature makes the volume easier to understand and a tool policy makers can use to make an informed policy decisions.
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The Global Carbon Cycle
The Global Carbon Cycle
A must-have introduction to this fundamental driver of the climate system The Global Carbon Cycle is a short introduction to this essential geochemical driver of the Earth's climate system, written by one of the world's leading climate-science experts. In this one-of-a-kind primer, David Archer engages readers in clear and simple terms about the many ways the global carbon cycle is woven into our climate system. He begins with a concise overview of the subject, and then looks at the carbon cycle on three different time scales, describing how the cycle interacts with climate in very distinct ways in each. On million-year time scales, feedbacks in the carbon cycle stabilize Earth's climate and oxygen concentrations. Archer explains how on hundred-thousand-year glacial/interglacial time scales, the carbon cycle in the ocean amplifies climate change, and how, on the human time scale of decades, the carbon cycle has been dampening climate change by absorbing fossil-fuel carbon dioxide into the oceans and land biosphere. A central question of the book is whether the carbon cycle could once again act to amplify climate change in centuries to come, for example through melting permafrost peatlands and methane hydrates. The Global Carbon Cycle features a glossary of terms, suggestions for further reading, and explanations of equations, as well as a forward-looking discussion of open questions about the global carbon cycle.
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Hochschuldidaktik Informatik (HDI) 2021
Hochschuldidaktik Informatik (HDI) 2021
Die Fachtagungen HDI (Hochschuldidaktik Informatik) beschäftigen sich mit den unterschiedlichen Aspekten informatischer Bildung im Hochschulbereich. Neben den allgemeinen Themen wie verschiedenen Lehr- und Lernformen, dem Einsatz von Informatiksystemen in der Hochschullehre oder Fragen der Gewinnung von geeigneten Studierenden, deren Kompetenzerwerb oder auch der Betreuung der Studierenden widmet sich die HDI immer auch einem Schwerpunktthema. Im Jahr 2021 war dies die Berücksichtigung von Diversität in der Lehre. Diskutiert wurden beispielsweise die Einbeziehung von besonderen fachlichen und überfachlichen Kompetenzen Studierender, der Unterstützung von Durchlässigkeit aus nichtakademischen Berufen, aber auch die Gestaltung inklusiver Lehr- und Lernszenarios, Aspekte des Lebenslangen Lernens oder sich an die Diversität von Studierenden adaptierte oder adaptierende Lehrsysteme. Dieser Band enthält ausgewählte Beiträge der 9. Fachtagung 2021, die in besonderer Weise die Konferenz und die dort diskutierten Themen repräsentieren.
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Musicians of All Times
Musicians of All Times
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The Rockies
The Rockies
From the time of Coronado?s discovery to the era of modern ski resorts and sport climbing routes, adventurers have been lured irresistibly to the Rocky Mountains. In this book distinguished writer David Lavender traces the colorful history of the Rockies, focusing on the period that began in 1859 with the first gold strikes. The real and fabled attractions of gold, silver, furs, lumber, and lead brought swarms of people into the mountains, eagerly seeking wealth. A get-rich-quick spirit pervaded the Rockies, leading to lawlessness, violence, vigilantism, and political expediency. The Rockies is particularly revealing about the struggles which resulted in codes peculiar to the mountainous West. Duane A. Smith provides a new introduction to this Bison Books edition of The Rockies.
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