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Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World
Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World
In this updated edition of his classic book, New York Times bestselling author Dr. David Jeremiah offers biblically based, practical instruction for living a confident life in a world filled with chaos and crisis. Confidence can be hard to come by these days as millions of people experience immeasurable, unanticipated challenges. People are losing their jobs, their houses, and their life savings at an unprecedented rate. Violence, natural disasters, and moral depravity seem to be skyrocketing. In the midst of all this chaos, we need to know . . . what on earth should we do now? Bible teacher Dr. David Jeremiah brings a message of hope and confidence from the priceless counsel of the Word of God. If we rely on God's Word to advise us, calm us, and fill us with hope and trust in the One who understands what is happening, we can weather any storm. Dr. Jeremiah answers our most urgent questions, including: How can we weather this storm with a calm heart? What does it truly mean to “wait on the Lord”? What is Jesus saying to our chaotic world today? How on earth did we get into this mess? Can we take a broken world and rebuild it into something fruitful? Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World shows us all that with the power and love of Almighty God, we can live with confidence in this age of turmoil. Interested in learning more? Check out other books by Dr. David Jeremiah: The Great Disappearance Where Do We Go from Here The World of the End Is This The End? The Book of Signs After the Rapture
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Demokratieförderung vs. Politische Bildung?
Demokratieförderung vs. Politische Bildung?
In den vergangenen Jahren sind Orte wie Clausnitz, Heidenau und Freital als Chiffren für fremdenfeindliche Gewalt deutschlandweit und auch international bekannt geworden, ebenso wie bereits zuvor die PEGIDA-Hochburg Dresden. Zu gewalttätigen Ausschreitungen in Chemnitz kam es im Sommer 2018 nach einer Auseinandersetzung, bei der ein Deutsch-Kubaner durch Messerstiche tödlich und zwei weitere schwer verletzt worden waren. Rechte und rechtsextreme Gruppen hatten aufgrund von Nachrichten zum Migrationshintergrund der mutmaßlichen Täter zu Demonstrationen aufgerufen. Im Internet wurden Falschinformationen verbreitet, wonach der Getötete eine deutsche Frau vor sexueller Belästigung durch Migranten beschützt habe. In der Folge kam es zu ausländerfeindlichen und antisemitischen Ausschreitungen, organisierte Rechte und Neonazis griffen tatsächliche oder vermeintliche Migranten, Gegendemonstranten, Polizisten sowie Pressevertreter und unbeteiligte Passanten sowie ein jüdisches Restaurant an. In den folgenden Tagen und Wochen gab es zahlreiche Demonstrationen und Gegenproteste. Mobilisiert hatten die rechtspopulistische Bürgerbewegung "Pro Chemnitz", die neonazistischen Parteien NPD, "Der III. Weg" und "Die Rechte", ebenso die Kameradschaftsszene, Hooligangruppen, PEGIDA und die Identitäre Bewegung. Der Verfassungsschutz Berlin sprach von einem "offenkundigen Schulterschluss" von Rechtsextremisten mit der AfD. Zu einer handfesten Regierungskrise wurden die Ereignisse von Chemnitz durch die Causa Hans-Georg Maaßen. Als erste Vertreterin der Bundesregierung besuchte Familienministerin Franziska Giffey die sächsische Stadt. "Sicherheit heißt nicht nur gute Polizeiarbeit, sondern Sicherheit heißt auch Prävention, heißt Jugendarbeit, heißt politische Bildung, heißt Engagement und heißt Zusammenstehen". Konkret wolle die Familienministerin deutlich mehr Geld für politische Bildung bereitstellen. Einige Tage später folgte im September 2018 die (erneute) Ankündigung eines Gesetzes zur Förderung der Demokratie. Dieses müsse klar machen: "Es ist auch die Aufgabe des Staates, die demokratische Bildung junger Menschen auf allen Ebenen zu organisieren". Das Programm "Demokratie leben!" sei hilfreich, aber man müsse fragen, wie man von Modellprojekten zu einer strukturellen Förderung komme, so Giffey. Das Programm "Demokratie leben! Aktiv gegen Rechtsextremismus, Gewalt und Menschenfeindlichkeit" des BMFSFJ startete im Januar 2015. Die Fördersumme für das Jahr 2019 beträgt nach signifikantem Aufwuchs insgesamt 115,5 Millionen Euro. Zudem ist ebenfalls seit 2018 das beim BMI angesiedelte und mit 100 Millionen Euro hinterlegte "Nationale Präventionsprogramm gegen islamischen Extremismus" in Kraft. Im Mai 2018 hatte Giffey angekündigt, "Demokratie leben!" nach 2019 zu entfristen. Diese Programme sowie das angekündigte "Demokratiefördergesetz" führen laut Benedikt Widmaier, dem verantwortlichen Redakteur dieser Ausgabe des JOURNAL, zu einem signifikanten Strukturwandel der non-formalen politischen Bildung in Deutschland und zu einer förderpolitischen Schieflage zwischen den Strukturen der genannten "neuen" und der "alten politischen Bildung", der mit den Förderungen der politischen Jugendbildung aus dem Kinder- und Jugendplan des Bundes (KJP) sowie der politischen Erwachsenenbildung durch die Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (bpb) lediglich ca. 20 Millionen Euro zur Verfügung stehen. In dieser Ausgabe des JOURNAL wird der angesprochene Strukturwandel der politischen Bildung in verschiedenen Facetten diskutiert und eingeordnet.
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Shelter in God
Shelter in God
In a period of almost unbearable uncertainty and fear, many of us have wondered, “Does God see us? Can he help us through this nerve-racking time?” Beloved Bible teacher Dr. David Jeremiah shares through psalms that God is always walking beside us. Now is the time to Shelter in God. Renowned pastor and teacher Dr. David Jeremiah believes comfort can be found in the Psalms, not only during the COVID-19 pandemic and during all of life’s greatest challenges. This newly collected volume will show how finding refuge in God is always our safest place. Shelter in God offers hope in a time of uncertainty and relief to people who are experiencing real troubles and fear. In Shelter in God you will: Find ways to worship in times of trouble Discover words of encouragement and hope Show grace when you are at your wits’ end Triumph over trouble with God’s help Shelter in God is an invaluable source of help and encouragement for people facing stress, anxiety and depression, and major obstacles during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Portions of Shelter in God were previously included in Dr. Jeremiah’s classic When Your World Falls Apart.
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God Has Not Forgotten You
God Has Not Forgotten You
For anyone who is lonely or struggling with anxiety in times of uncertainty, find comfort in knowing that you are deeply loved by God. In God Has Not Forgotten You, New York Times bestselling author Dr. David Jeremiah will help you navigate the uncertainties of the present while embracing God's promises for the future. This book invites you to experience the transforming power of God's Word that will help you: Trust God in uncertain and challenging times Know God is at work even when you can't see it Deal with confusing or disappointing circumstances The embellished cover design, presentation page, and a ribbon marker make this a thoughtful gift for: Someone who is experiencing a challenging season Anyone wanting to grow closer to God and trust in His greater plan God Has Not Forgotten You is the perfect reminder that you are not alone and that God is working all things together for your good.
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David Jeremiah Morning and Evening Devotions
David Jeremiah Morning and Evening Devotions
Trusted Bible teacher and New York Times bestselling author Dr. David Jeremiah understands that whether you're dealing with work stress, family issues, health problems, or just the challenges of daily life, peace can be elusive. In this morning and evening devotional, he guides you to focus on the One who created the universe and everything in it. With God, nothing is impossible. This handsome book is perfect for early birds and night owls who want to commit to spending time each morning and evening with God. With 730 insightful devotions, one for every day and night, David Jeremiah's Morning and Evening Devotions is: Ideal for Mother's Day, Father's Day, birthdays, graduation, retirement, and gift-giving holidays A moment in time may seem fleeting, but it is never futile when spent in the presence of the Lord--your days and nights will be richer for it.
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One Minute a Day
One Minute a Day
Life moves pretty fast and doesn’t always slow down when we need it to. One Minute a Day is a quick shot of spiritual espresso, an energy boost for your soul, with 100 one-minute devotions about what’s really important. Take a minute with New York Times best-selling author David Jeremiah to rediscover God’s grace, hope, and power for living—even in the fast lane. An infusion of instant inspiration might be just what you need to keep going, with faith.
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God Loves You
God Loves You
That God loves us is the most profound truth in the universe. Experiencing this love has the potential to answer every question, solve every problem, and satisfy the deepest yearnings of the heart. So why are many people who believe this still unable to fully utilize the power of God's love in their personal lives? In this probing book, Dr. David Jeremiah reveals that not fully understanding and appreciating every critical dimension of God's love can lead to missed opportunities to experience His love. He explains how even the so-called negative dimension of God's actions--hell, prohibitive commandments, pain and suffering in the world--can only be rightly understood by viewing them in light of God's true love. GOD LOVES YOU will enable readers to know God in a way that will consciously connect them with the healing power of His grace so they can experience the life of love they were created to enjoy.
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Captured By Grace
Captured By Grace
Timely and encouraging words to initiate a fresh experience of God's grace. By following the dramatic story of John Newton, the Amazing Grace hymn writer, and the apostle Paul's own encounter with the God of grace, pastor and teacher Dr. David Jeremiah helps readers understand the freeing power of permanent forgiveness and mercy. Dramatic stories and biblical insights highlight the very personal effects of grace and how grace: wondrously spans all our differences rescues us from our lostness helps us overcome our weaknesses, takes us from victims to victors
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Life Wide Open
Life Wide Open
Most Christians sense that something vital is missing from their walk with the Lord. We are easily discouraged and bogged down in busyness, boredom, mediocrity, and routine. In this energizing new book, Dr. Jeremiah opens our eyes to how we can live a life that exudes an attitude of hope and enthusiasm . . . a life of passion . . . a life wide open!
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Overcomer Bible Study Guide
Overcomer Bible Study Guide
Will you be defeated by the forces of fear, confusion, and temptation? Or will you put on God's armor and overcome? The Bible promises us that we were created to be overcomers, no matter what the world throws at us. And we all know it's hard out there. Sometimes it feels like the world is ripping apart at the seams. In this six-session, video-based Bible study (DVD/digital streaming sold separately), beloved teacher Dr. David Jeremiah will unpack one of the most quoted but least understood passages of the Bible: the apostle Paul's call to the Ephesians to take up the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). In each session, you'll be introduced to one of the six pieces of armor, what each represents, and what they allow us to overcome: Belt of Truth Breastplate of Righteousness Shoes of the Gospel of Peace Shield of Faith Helmet of Salvation Sword of the Spirit When we are armed with God's armor, we receive God's power to face life's challenges and be assured of success. With his signature depth, wisdom, and compassion, Dr. Jeremiah explores the powerful relevance of spiritual armor as a critical tool each day as we confront the specific challenges in our lives and of our time. Sessions include: Overcoming Falsehood with Truth Overcoming Evil with Good Overcoming Anxiety with Peace Overcoming Fear with Faith Overcoming Confusion with Wisdom Overcoming Temptation with Scripture Designed for use with the Overcomer Video Study available on DVD or streaming video, sold separately.
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