Cocktails and After Dinner Drinks
Settle in with nightcaps from around the world—includes thirty-five recipes for relaxing your mind and enjoying sheer drinking pleasure. Here is the ideal companion to choosing and enjoying that perfect last drink of the day. More than just a guide to enjoying brandy, cognac and port, this ebook covers the full range of after-dinner drinks, including dessert wines, Madeira, whisky, bourbon, Armagnac, Calvados, rum, marc, grappa, eaux de vie and other liqueurs, as well as Irish coffees and after-dinner cocktails. These drinks take many forms, according to local custom or family tradition. In Scotland it may consist of a sip of well-aged single malt whisky, while the traditional after-dinner drink in England is an old port. The French appreciate a bedtime balloon glass of good Cognac and South Africans enjoy a fine pot-still brandy, or a sweet jerepigo. In each case the drink is designed to help you digest your meal and relax your mind in preparation for a good night’s sleep. No wonder it’s sometimes referred to as a nightcap. In addition to recipes, sections include information on how to serve, how much to serve, the right glass, accompaniments, and timing.