Ritalin Is Not The Answer
Up to one-third of all school-aged children in the U.S. are diagnosed with so-called Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). They fall into a diagnostic category that didn't exist twenty years ago. Two million of these children are being coerced by teachers, administrators, and doctors into taking Ritalin, which has side effects ranging from insomnia and irritability to personality change, anorexia, and heart palpitations. Even more alarming is the way the drug interferes with normal height and weight gain. Other areas of great concern are the danger of addiction and an increasingly widespread illegal use of Ritalin as a recreational drug. This crusading book passionately advocates a new alternative to Ritalin -- the Caregivers Skill Program (CSP), a step-by-step plan for both school and home that focuses on behavioral and motivational problems. Based on extensive clinical trials and application, CSP offers concrete, easy-to-apply techniques for understanding and improving children's behavior, school performance, and self-esteem. The book also tells parents how to resist pressure from teachers and doctors to give their kids speed just to shut them up.