With over 45.7 million uninsured in the United States and health reform a national priority, the need for population health management has never been more eminent. Sixty percent of American deaths are attributable to behavioral factors, social circumstances and environmental exposures. Employment of population health management techniques advocating use of preventative services and quality clinical care are imperative. Important Notice: The digital edition of this book is missing some of the images or content found in the physical edition.
At the core of his work is a profound and ever-growing knowledge of trees, enabling Nash to engage closely and intuitively with the characteristics of each species. The extensive statements by him in this book provide a unique insight into both his working methods and the thought processes provoked by this extraordinary collaboration. David Nash is represented in many museum collections including the Tate Gallery, London, the Guggenheim and Metropolitan Museums, New York, and the Setagaya and Metropolitan Art Museums in Tokyo. He was elected RA in 1999 and awarded an OBE in 2004. The introduction to this illustrated book is by the distinguished art historian and critic, Norbert Lynton, who has known and followed the sculptor's work since the late 1960s.
A fundamentals of medical management by the American College of Physician Executives (ACPE) with faculty from Thomas Jefferson University.-- http://www.acpe.org.
Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act, the field of population health has evolved and matured considerably. Improving quality and health outcomes along with lowering costs has become an ongoing focus in delivery of health care. The new Third Edition of Population Health reflects this focus and evolution in today's dynamic healthcare landscape by conveying the key concepts of population health management and examining strategies for creating a culture of health and wellness in the context of health care reform. Offering a comprehensive, forward-looking approach to population health, the Third Edition's streamlined organization features 14 chapters divided among 3 major sections: Part I – Population Health in the U.S.; Part 2 –The Population Health Ecosystem: and Part 3 – Creating Culture Change.
"A collection of essays tracing the history of the Episcopal Church in Pennsylvania, with emphasis on the greater Philadelphia area. Includes discussions of the diversity of practice and belief within the church, and between the church and the wider national culture"--Provided by publisher.
Davis begins with the dramatic "Amistad" case, and then looks at slavery in the American South and the abolitionists who defeated one of human history's greatest evils.
Deals with the topic of game theory. This textbook discusses the general game models including deterministic, strategic, sequential, bargaining, coalition, and fair division games. It emphasises on the process of mathematical modeling.
Related families were Huston, Alcorn, Crank, Emmerson, Knowles, Yocum, Ranard, and many others. Descendants lived in Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, and elsewhere.