The Enduring Democracy - Vantage Slimpack
Affordable online platform includes textbook content and helps you study The Enduring Democracy - Vantage Digital Option, Sixth Edition is a learning and reading platform that makes it easier to understand your course material so you can get a better grade. It blends short, interactive multimedia activities with examples and presents them in easy-to-read sections of content from The Enduring Democracy, Sixth Edition by Kenneth J. Dautrich, David A. Yalof, and Christina E. Bejarano. The short quizzes with guided feedback let you know where to focus your precious study time. Key Features Affordable value: access to quality learning tools at a wallet-friendly price. Convenient eReader: With the eReader, you can learn and study when and where you prefer, with content from the textbook presented in easy-to-read sections. Chapter tests: end-of-chapter tests reinforce important themes and make it easy to track your progress. Instant feedback: immediate feedback on every question indicates if your answer is correct or incorrect, along with why, and makes it easier to learn and prepare for class. Grade access: grades flow automatically to the student dashboard when you complete your assignments, so you know exactly where you stand in your course and where you might improve. About Enduring Democracy, Sixth Edition The Enduring Democracy, Sixth Edition by Kenneth J. Dautrich, David A. Yalof, and Christina E. Bejarano examines the current state of American politics through the lenses of American history and the nation's changing demographics. This product will require a course-key from your instructor. If you were given the ISBN for the shipped, printed Vantage Access Card version (9781071807408), this is the same product; but, this will be digitally delivered instead.