My Life, a Wondrous Journey of Faith, Family and Friends
In My Life: A Wondrous Journey of Faith, Family, and Friends, Ron Harper looks back on his 80+ years and recounts how a young boy from the small town of Bard, California managed to succeed in life through the influence of God, family, and friends. We join Ron on a journey through his childhood, schooling, marriage, and his adventurous construction career that led him to work for Sea World and eventually build his own company, Harper Construction. His personal and professional successes and struggles are told with humor and depth of heart while focusing on the blessings that have remained. "As I settle into the decade of my 80's, many memories flood my mind: memories of my childhood, marriage, family, business, and friendships. I am grateful to have enjoyed the life God has given me, including a wonderful wife and family, great friends, good health, and a business that has helped provide many joys for us all. Through my eight decades on the Earth, I have had the opportunity to reflect on these many gifts and through this process, to analyze how and why these things have come to pass. While I have worked hard most of my life and received a relatively good education, I certainly don't attribute all my good fortune to these things alone. Why, I ask myself, have I come to enjoy so many blessings? I have come to a relatively simple answer. Three factors have been paramount in my life: Faith, Family, and Friends. In my formative years, I embarked upon a successful course in life, obtaining a solid education, pursuing a productive and rewarding career, and marrying my beautiful and caring wife, Kaye who blessed me with four amazing children. But it was not until I entered into a deeper relationship with Jesus that the full blessings of my life would fully blossom."