Ask Dave Again
"Another Helping of Usable Answers for Practical Problems from Dr. Dave Conrad" This book is written for anyone who works, has worked, will work, or hates work. That just about covers everyone. Our work and our workplace presents challenges, such as, dealing with negative people, working with coworkers who just don't care, or having a boss who makes Josef Mengele look like Mr. Rogers. The business of working and conducting business is tough and we need to do things we like and don't like. However, there are tools and tactics that can be used to make one's work-life a whole lot more pleasant and constructive. Building on Dave's first book, Ask Dave: Applicable Answers to Business Questions, you will read real worker questions that are answered with implementable and focused advice. Dave offers reflection, analysis, and recommendations to the inquiries of organizational staff and management, who are just trying to do their best, get along, with others, have purpose in their life, and feel good about what they do. After all, isn't that what we all really want? The book is based on Dave's newspaper column, which is read by over 100,000 readers. The column is a business Q & A format and has been successfully published for the last 4 years in Southern Minnesota. Dave offers sage (at least interesting and usable) advice to management, employee, leadership, and general business questions.