You can tell very quickly if this book is for you by answering these questions. Do you envy the Apostles who were privileged to walk with Jesus? Would you like to go, in person, back to the past and experience many of their moments? Would you like to see the man, the very man, in whom God dwelt-to walk with Him as one's companion along His journeys of mercy-to listen to the words as they stream all living from those eloquent lips-to look into His eyes, and mark the depth of love that glistened there? If you answered "Yes" to one or more, you will love this short, unique, easy to read book, and will want to share it with doubters. This is not a novel, but easy to read short stories for the unquenchable Jesus lover that can be read leisurely in 55 separate and remarkable treks. It is voice enabled permitting "Alexa" to read it to you on your Echo Dot one trek at a time. Charles Haddon Spurgeon has more in print today than all Christian writers dead or alive due to his unrivaled word paintings, furnishes commentaries of the experiences at each stop. Evangelist Dave Aranda-Richards has portrayed Spurgeon in churches, pastoral retreats, denomination conventions, and secular venues for over 16 years. He brings newspaper reporting and sports play-by-play broadcasting skills to set the scenes for all treks. "Dave Aranda-Richards has always amazed me as a shining light in his depictions of Charles Spurgeon. He has now given us this great opportunity to read the words and hear the heart of Jesus and those who walked with him. I was inspired by " Jesus: 55 Treks Across The Gospels With Christ and The Apostles." -Bishop Michael Pitts, Cornerstone Global Network "The "55 Treks" are delightful, colorful stories of the Master told in such a new and refreshing way as only Dave Aranda-Richards could do. His words take us walking with the Apostles, sitting around a fire, sharing a meal, listening to the words of life from the lips of the One who is Life! It has taken Dave over two years to make ready this masterpiece, and now it is available to all lovers of JESUS. I wholeheartedly recommend "J-Walking" to anyone who loves to read about the Master, King Jesus." -Dr. Loyd C. Taylor, Sr. "Evangelist Dave Aranda-Richards has here afforded us an opportunity to join in traversing the path Jesus traveled in the gospel narratives littered with insights from the great Charles Spurgeon; one of Christ's greatest heralds. Spurgeon and Jesus; servant and master, masterfully interspersed for a great devotional read." -Pastor Robert Iannuccilli, Faith In Fire Ministries"What a pleasure it has been to follow the footprints of JESUS on the pages of this book. I truly enjoyed the treks! Spurgeon and Aranda-Richards do a wonderful job bringing enlightenment to each experience beyond their initial manifest, with connotative power." -Bill Keith, National President, Business Men's Fellowship USA "55 Treks Across the Gospels with Christ and the Apostles is a refreshing account of biblical short stories that put you in the moment as if you were there. Easy to read and understand." -Major General (Ret) Jeffrey R. Riemer "I was excited to edit this book. Although familiar with the Bible stories in the manuscript, I had not perceived how they affect my everyday life. Many things I read in this memorable book increased my faith and comfort level. The ending of the trek, "It's Time to Come Out" will stay with me forever!" -Kathleen Quinn, Editing Services