The Worth of a Man
The former MLB all-star pitcher, cancer survivor, and author of Comeback “seeks to inspire men to find their God-given worth and identity” (Dr. John C. Maxwell, founder, INJOY, Inc.). In Western culture, a man’s worth so often hinges on his performance, career, and success. For bestselling author Dave Dravecky, worth was once defined by his career as an all-star pitcher in the Major Leagues—until he lost his arm to cancer. In this inspirational book, Dravecky speaks from a place of first-hand familiarity with loss and setbacks. Examining the traditional benchmarks men so often define themselves by—including jobs, successes, struggles, friendships, and families—Dravecky navigates a new path to self-worth based on Christian teachings, faith, and compelling personal experience. “In his loss, Dave discovered a depth of significance, security, value, and worth he had never known. Now he takes us back to the basics of God’s word, helping us go beyond who we think we are to become who God says we can be . . . men of character and integrity.” —Garry J. Oliver, PhD, author of Real Men Have Feelings Too “Dave takes on the fundamental issues of masculinity that every man worth his salt deals with. It took guts to write this book. It will take some guts to read it. But you will walk away a better man.” —Steve Farrar, Men’s Leadership Ministries “Nobody has more to say to men about manhood than Dave Dravecky. He’s faced tests and trials, and passed them valiantly—so when he points to the possibilities for any of us, he’s credible.” —Jack W. Hayford, senior pastor, Church on the Way