Living Worship Heart on Fire
Dave Ferguson is lead worship pastor for Living Church near Cincinnati, Ohio, and is the founder of Living Worship. Dave has been active in music and ministry for many years, and has a heart for God and people. The mission and vibrancy of the body of Christ, both local and global, is very close to Dave's heart. In late 2011, God began stirring a vision, which in 2012 became Living Worship. On November 16, 2012, Living Worship released their debut album, Heart on Fire. Soon after that, Dave felt directed to begin writing this book as a means to fan the flame of living worship in the life of Christians and the church collectively. The book is a companion work to the Heart on Fire album, and is designed for individual or small group discipleship and spiritual growth. Dave and his family reside in Northern Kentucky. You can find out more about the ministries of Living Worship at "There are few times when one can be certain he has met a man of God. When I first met David Ferguson, his love for God was evident. Not only is he a man after God's own heart, but also a passionate worshiper. In the time that our families have known each other, the Fergusons have become dear friends, and have greatly impacted our lives and ministry in Nairobi, Kenya. At the launch of his first album, Living Worship, Heart on Fire, David, together with the Living Church community, raised funds to buy bicycles for pastors in Kenya, allowing them to have easier transportation to further evangelism. It is remarkable how God is already using this ministry to touch people around the world, and I am confident that this book will be a blessing to the body of Christ as well. With much enthusiasm, I recommend this book to all of you who, like me, desire "Living Worship." Pastor Philemon Wachara - Overseer, Harvest Center Fellowship Churches, East Africa, (Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania).