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Building on the success of the second edition, Criminology: A Sociological Introduction offers a comprehensive overview of the study of criminology, from early theoretical perspectives to pressing contemporary issues such as the globalization of crime, crimes against the environment and state crime. Authored by an internationally renowned and experienced group of authors in the Sociology department at Essex University, this is a truly international criminology text that delves into areas that other texts may only reference. This new edition will have increased coverage of psychosocial theory, as well as more consideration of the social, political and economic contexts of crime in the post-financial-crisis world. Focusing on emerging areas in global criminology, such as green crime, state crime and cyber crime, this book is essential reading for criminology students looking to expand their understanding of crime and the world in which they live.
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The Blessings of Business
The Blessings of Business
The Book of Matthew cautions readers that "Ye cannot serve God and mammon." But for at least a century conservative American Protestants have been trying to prove that adage wrong. In The Blessings of Business, Darren E. Grem argues that while preachers, activists, and politicians have all helped spread the gospel, American evangelicalism owes its enduring strength in a large part to private enterprise. Grem argues for a new history of American evangelicalism, demonstrating how its adherents strategically used corporate America--its leaders, businesses, money, ideas, and values--to advance their religious, cultural, and political movement. Beginning before the First World War, conservative evangelicals were able to use businessmen and business methods to retain and expand their public influence in a secularizing, diversifying, and liberalizing age. In the process they became beholden to pro-business stances on matters of theology, race, gender, taxation, trade, and the state, transforming evangelicalism itself into as much of an economic movement as a religious one. The Blessings of Business tells the story of unlikely partnerships between well-known champions of the evangelical movement such as Billy Graham and largely forgotten businessmen like Herbert Taylor, J. Howard Pew, and R.G. LeTourneau. Grem also shows how evangelicals set up their own pro-business organizations and linked the quarterly and yearly growth of "Christian" businesses to their social, religious, and political aspirations. Fascinating and provocative, The Blessings of Business uncovers the strong ties that conservative Christians have forged between the Almighty and the almighty dollar.
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Retired Sergeant Darren Burch takes you on a 30-year journey of dark, humorous and depraved cases from his experiences as a patrol officer, sex crimes detectives, and night detective in homicide, starting with his harrowing teenage encounter with a fatal car fire in Twisted Metal, followed by morbidly funny and outrageous stories, each more twisted than the last. Review - “Darren Burch spent 30 years in law enforcement and has seen some incredibly rough, tough and laugh-out-loud stuff on the force. So, the question you’re probably asking is, why should I read another book about the Thin Blue Line? Let me warn you now...this is NOT your typical “cop” book. Burch’s “Twisted Tales” offers unique insights into humanity’s dark and twisted side, and it is a pure joy to read. While the Tales never lose sight of a police officer’s first-priority – to protect and serve – it’s filled with poignant, funny and terribly tragic stories that all end with an amazing and unpredictable twist. Now the only question that remains: Who plays Darren in the movie?” --Mac Watson, radio show host from the Mac & Gaydos Show on KTAR-FM PHX, AZ
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The Logic of Intersubjectivity
The Logic of Intersubjectivity
To survey harsh criticisms against Brian Douglas McLaren (1956‒), readers gain the inaccurate impression that he is a heretical relativist who denies objective truth and logic. While McLaren’s inflammatory and provocative writing style is partly to blame, this study also suspects that his critics base much of their analyses on only small portions of his overall corpus. The result becomes a caricature of McLaren’s actual philosophy of religion. What is argued in this book is that McLaren’s philosophy of religion suggests a faith-based intersubjective relationship with the divine ought to result in an existential appropriation of Christ’s religio-ethical teachings. When subjectively internalized, this appropriation will lead to the assimilation of Jesus’ kingdom priorities, thereby transforming the believer’s identity into one that actualizes Jesus’ kingdom ideals. The hope of this book is that by tracing McLaren’s philosophy of Christian religion, future researchers will not only be able to comprehend (and perhaps empathize with) McLaren’s line of reasoning, but they will also possess a more nuanced discernment of where they agree and disagree with his overall rationale.
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Securing U.S. Innovation
Securing U.S. Innovation
As experienced by the United States, competition has played out in three distinct types of threat activity: sabotage (the destruction of capabilities), espionage (the theft of specific capabilities), and defection (the carrying of knowledge out of the country). Today, the changing innovation environment has created new challenges. Significant advances are being made in start-ups as well as larger companies who no longer rely on U.S. government contracts. Not only does this place a key element of national power in the hands of the private sector, but it often leaves Washington at an informational disadvantage in understanding technologies. This book analyzes these concepts from the perspective of the United States’ experience in the field of innovation security. Historical and recent examples illustrate the threats to innovation, the various approaches to mitigating them, and how the evolution of the innovative process now requires rethinking how the United States can benefit from and preserve its cutting edge human capital.
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Between Borders and Buses
Between Borders and Buses
What happens when you take a clumsy Australian of Anglo Indian descent, a backpack, stick him on a bus in Europe and close the door? A good question, the answer to which Darren was eager to discover. After spending an eternity behind bars serving beer to red-faced Poms, Darren is allowed to escape and decides to make the most of it. Relying on nothing but his wits and a rough plan, he leaves the UK for an eye-opening, sometimes annoying, but always memorable experience around Europe. From space cakes in Amsterdam, motor scooter mishaps in the Greek Islands, a severe lack of direction in Sicily and a stubborn tent in Portugal, Darren realises he needs more than his wits to survive Europe - he needs a bloody miracle!Informative enough to make you go "Oh really? I didn't know that" and entertaining enough to make you sit up and giggle, Between Borders and Buses is guaranteed to ignite your desire to pack your bags, hop on the next flight out of the country and discover Europe for yourself.
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American Extremism
American Extremism
American Extremism explains how at the heart of the politics practiced by the militia movement is an attempt to define the nature of 'Americanism', and shows how militia members employ the myths, metaphors and perceived historical lessons of the American Revolution, the constitutional settlement and America's frontier experience to do so. Mulloy argues that militia members' search for the 'authority of history' leads them to a position best characterized as 'ahistorical historicism', in which political interests in the present are given greater weight than the demands of a historically accurate reading of the past. With discussion of such recent events as the Oklahoma City bombing, Waco and the September 11th attacks alongside topical issues including militia conspiracy theories and the origins of Americans' right to keep and bear arms, this work provides the deepest understanding to date of the American militia movement.
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Rastafari and the Arts
Rastafari and the Arts
Drawing on literary, musical, and visual representations of and by Rastafari, Darren J. N. Middleton provides an introduction to Rasta through the arts, broadly conceived. The religious underpinnings of the Rasta movement are often overshadowed by Rasta’s association with reggae music, dub, and performance poetry. Rastafari and the Arts: An Introduction takes a fresh view of Rasta, considering the relationship between the artistic and religious dimensions of the movement in depth. Middleton’s analysis complements current introductions to Afro-Caribbean religions and offers an engaging example of the role of popular culture in illuminating the beliefs and practices of emerging religions. Recognizing that outsiders as well as insiders have shaped the Rasta movement since its modest beginnings in Jamaica, Middleton includes interviews with members of both groups, including: Ejay Khan, Barbara Makeda Blake Hannah, Geoffrey Philp, Asante Amen, Reggae Rajahs, Benjamin Zephaniah, Monica Haim, Blakk Rasta, Rocky Dawuni, and Marvin D. Sterling.
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The Ranger Ideal Volume 3
The Ranger Ideal Volume 3
Established in Waco in 1968, the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum honors the iconic Texas Rangers, a service that has existed, in one form or another, since 1823. Thirty-one individuals—whose lives span more than two centuries—have been enshrined in the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame. They have become legendary symbols of Texas and the American West. In The Ranger Ideal Volume 3, Darren L. Ivey presents capsule biographies of the twelve inductees who served Texas in the twentieth century. In the first portion of the book, Ivey describes the careers of the “Big Four” Ranger captains—Will L. Wright, Frank Hamer, Tom R. Hickman, and Manuel “Lone Wolf” Gonzaullas—as well as those of Charles E. Miller and Marvin “Red” Burton. Ivey then moves into the mid-century and discusses Robert A. Crowder, John J. Klevenhagen, Clinton T. Peoples, and James E. Riddles. Ivey concludes with Bobby Paul Doherty and Stanley K. Guffey, both of whom gave their lives in the line of duty. Using primary records and reliable secondary sources, and rejecting apocryphal tales, The Ranger Ideal presents the true stories of these intrepid men who enforced the law with gallantry, grit, and guns. This Volume 3 is the finale in a three-volume series covering all of the Texas Rangers inducted in the Hall of Fame and Museum in Waco, Texas.
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The Devil in Tudor and Stuart England
The Devil in Tudor and Stuart England
The Devil was a commanding figure in Tudor and Stuart England. He played a leading role in the religious and political conflicts of the age, and inspired great works of poetry and drama. During the turmoil of the English Civil War, fears of a secret conspiracy of Devil-worshippers fuelled a witch-hunt that claimed at least a hundred lives. This book traces the idea of the Devel from the English Reformation to the scientific revolution of the late seventeenth century. It shows that he was not only a central figure in the imaginative life of the age, but also a deeply ambiguous and complex one: the avowed enemy of God and his unwilling accomplice, and a creature that provoked fascination, comedy and dread.
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