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Yoga and Resilience
Yoga and Resilience
Yoga and Resilience is part of a larger series put out by the Yoga Service Council in collaboration with the Omega Institute. To date, there have been three texts published: Best Practices for Yoga in Schools, Best Practices for Yoga with Veterans, and Best Practices for Yoga in the Criminal Justice System. This body of work takes a unique and groundbreaking approach of co-creation, calling on a diverse array of leading experts in the fields of trauma and yoga, to collaborate and distill best practices that will inform the fields of mental health, trauma-informed yoga, yoga service, and yoga more generally. Contributors and authors met during two symposia and engaged in an ongoing collaborative process resulting in the current text. Yoga and Resilience: Empowering Practices for Survivors of Sexual Trauma: Supports a holistic approach to ameliorating the impacts of traumatic stress, and specifically the impacts of sexual trauma. Serves as a resource to survivors, yoga teachers and practitioners, yoga service providers, trauma practitioners, and agency administrators among others. Presents a foundational understanding of sexual trauma and illuminates current best practices for integrating trauma-informed yoga and mindfulness practices into work with persons and systems impacted by sexual trauma. Explores an approach that moves beyond trauma-informed practice to a focus on resilience and universal inclusivity. Provides concrete tools to serve survivors better and to ensure that teachers and administrators not only seek to minimize harm but also combat sexual violence and its perpetration within yoga contexts. Contributors to the book: Keyona Aviles, Jacoby Ballard, Lisa Boldin, Maya Breuer, Regine Clermont, Colleen DeVirgiliis, Alexis Donahue, Pamela Stokes Eggleston, Jennifer Cohen Harper, Dani Harris, Nan Herron, Daniel Hickman, Diana Hoscheit, Beth Jones, Sue Jones, James Jurgensen, Mark A. Lilly, Jana Long, Anneke Lucas, Amanda J.G. Napior, Amina Naru, Emanuel "Manny" Salazar, Austin K. Sanderson, Lidia Snyder, Nicole Steward, Rosa Vissers, Kimberleigh Weiss-Lewit, Ann Wilkinson
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Talking to Strangers
Talking to Strangers
The author of The World of Prometheus argues that the transition to political friendship offered by the Brown v. Board of Education decision has not been completed, and proposes practical techniques of bridging citizenship and trust through sacrifice.
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Justice and the Politics of Difference
Justice and the Politics of Difference
"In this classic work of feminist political thought, Iris Marion Young challenges the prevailing reduction of social justice to distributive justice. The starting point for her critique is the experience and concerns of the new social movements that were created by marginal and excluded groups, including women, African Americans, and American Indians, as well as gays and lesbians. Young argues that by assuming a homogeneous public, democratic theorists fail to consider institutional arrangements for including people not culturally identified with white European male norms. Consequently, theorists do not adequately address the problems of an inclusive participatory framework. Basing her vision of the good society on the culturally plural networks of contemporary urban life, Young makes the case that normative theory and public policy should undermine group-based oppression by affirming rather than suppressing social group differences"--Provided by publisher.
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Engaging the Age of Jane Austen
Engaging the Age of Jane Austen
Humanities scholars, in general, often have a difficult time explaining to others why their work matters, and eighteenth-century literary scholars are certainly no exception. To help remedy this problem, literary scholars Bridget Draxler and Danielle Spratt offer this collection of essays to defend the field’s relevance and demonstrate its ability to help us better understand current events, from the proliferation of media to ongoing social justice battles. The result is a book that offers a range of approaches to engaging with undergraduates, non-professionals, and broader publics into an appreciation of eighteenth-century literature. Essays draw on innovative projects ranging from a Jane Austen reading group held at the public library to students working with an archive to digitize an overlooked writer’s novel. Reminding us that the eighteenth century was an exhilarating age of lively political culture—marked by the rise of libraries and museums, the explosion of the press, and other platforms for public intellectual debates—Draxler and Spratt provide a book that will not only be useful to eighteenth-century scholars, but can also serve as a model for other periods as well. This book will appeal to librarians, archivists, museum directors, scholars, and others interested in digital humanities in the public life. Contributors: Gabriela Almendarez, Jessica Bybee, Nora Chatchoomsai, Gillian Dow, Bridget Draxler, Joan Gillespie, Larisa Good, Elizabeth K. Goodhue, Susan Celia Greenfield, Liz Grumbach, Kellen Hinrichsen, Ellen Jarosz, Hannah Jorgenson, John C. Keller, Naz Keynejad, Stephen Kutay, Chuck Lewis, Nicole Linton, Devoney Looser, Whitney Mannies, Ai Miller, Tiffany Ouellette, Carol Parrish, Paul Schuytema, David Spadafora, Danielle Spratt, Anne McKee Stapleton, Jessica Stewart, Colleen Tripp, Susan Twomey, Nikki JD White, Amy Weldon
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After Fukushima
After Fukushima
The renowned philosopher offers “a powerful reflection on our times . . . and the fate of our civilization, as revealed by the catastrophe of Fukushima” (François Raffoul, Louisiana State University). In 2011, a tsunami flooded Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, causing three nuclear meltdowns, the effects of which will spread through generations and have an impact on all living things. In After Fukushima, philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy examines the nature of catastrophes in the era of globalization and technology. He argues that in today’s interconnected world, the effects of any disaster will spread in the way we currently associate only with nuclear risk. Can a catastrophe be an isolated occurrence? Is there such a thing as a “natural” catastrophe when all of our technologies—nuclear energy, power supply, water supply—are necessarily implicated, drawing together the biological, social, economic, and political? In this provocative and engaging work, Nancy examines these questions and more. Exclusive to this English edition are two interviews with Nancy conducted by Danielle Cohen-Levinas and Yuji Nishiyama and Yotetsu Tonaki.
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Positions des thèses de troisième cycle soutenues devant la faculté en 1968
Positions des thèses de troisième cycle soutenues devant la faculté en 1968
Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine.
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Critical Childhood Studies and the Practice of Interdisciplinarity
Critical Childhood Studies and the Practice of Interdisciplinarity
This book analyzes different figurations of childhood in contemporary culture and politics with a particular focus on interdisciplinary methodologies of critical childhood studies. It argues that while the figure of the child has been traditionally located at the peripheries of academic disciplines, perhaps most notably in history, sociology and literature, the proposed critical discussions of the ideological, symbolic and affective roles that children play in contemporary societies suggest that they are often the locus of larger societal crises, collective psychic tensions, and unspoken prohibitions and taboos. As such, this book brings into focus the prejudices against childhood embedded in our standard approaches to organizing knowledge, and asks: is there a natural disciplinary home for the study of childhood? Or is this field fundamentally interdisciplinary, peripheral or problematic to notions of disciplinary identity? In this respect, does childhood force innovation in thinking about disciplinarity? For instance, how does the analysis of childhood affect how we think about methodology? What role do understandings of childhood play in delimiting how we conceive of our society, our future, and ourselves? How does thinking about childhood affect how we think about culture, history, and politics? This book brings together researchers working broadly in critical child studies, but from various disciplines in the humanities and social sciences (including philosophy, literary studies, sociology, cultural studies and history), in order to stage a conversation between these diverse perspectives on the disciplinary or (interdisciplinary) character of ‘the child’ as an object of research. Such conversation builds on the assumption that childhood, far from being marginal, is a topic that is hidden in plain sight. That is to say, while the child is always a presence in culture, history, literature and philosophy—and is often even a highly charged figure within those fields—its operation and effects are rarely theoretically scrutinized, but rather are more likely drawn upon, surreptitiously, for another purpose.
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C'est de l'homme que j'ai à parler
C'est de l'homme que j'ai à parler
4e de couv.: « C'est de l'homme que j'ai à parler »: ainsi commence le « Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes » paru en 1755. Prise pour une invitation à suivre un Jean-Jacques Rousseau anthropologue, cette phrase a donné lieu à une exposition au MEG et à cet album. De Genève aux Amériques, en passant par la Suisse et par l'Orient, le parcours nous emmène sur les traces de Rousseau, en essayant de capter ce qui, de son époque, nous parle encore. Moins que des réponses, c'est un questionnement qui sert de fil rouge à cette exploration, en nous confrontant à l'altérité du passé. Fragilisant les frontières, le doute que cultivait Rousseau et son goût de la spéculation nous rendent disponibles aux découvertes, aux rencontres, aux fraternités. Il nous rappelle qu'il ne faut jamais confondre la connaissance avec les idées reçues au nom desquelles nous dressons de confortables palissades entre l'Autre et nous. Comme un voyage dans une époque qui a réfléchi avant la nôtre à l'histoire de l'humanité et au destin des peuples de la Terre, ce petit livre richement illustré nous parle d'égalité et de différences et met en évidence des interrogations de Rousseau qui nous concernent toujours.
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