Letters to Young Black Women
Daniel Whyte III never intended to write a book to young black women. He believes, according to the Scriptures, that the older women should teach the younger women. However, after Letters to Young Black Men: Advice & Encouragement for a Difficult Journey became a bestselling book, readers requested that Whyte write a book for young black women as well. He prayed about it and was led to do so. Regarding the purpose of this book, Whyte states: This book is more about prevention than it is about healing. There are many other great men and women of God who are doing great work in the healing and restoration department for young black women. I believe that many of the problems that young black women are dealing with today can be prevented from happening in the first place. I also believe that in order for young women to be victorious in this life, they must operate from a position of strength and power. This book will empower them to win against their enemies: the devil, sorry men and even themselves. I hope that they will read it and never live a defeated life again. Daniel Whyte III writes a heartfelt book to his daughters and to other young black women, on the various issues of life that they face today. Whyte actually commenced the writing of this book from his hospital bed during a routine stay for chest pains. Symbolically, if Daniel Whyte III were on his deathbed, the words contained in this book are those that he would say to his six daughters. Written just for the young black woman in your life, whether you are a father, mother, grandparent or Sunday school teacher, Letters to Young Black Women is overflowing with loving, fatherly, "advice and encouragement for a difficult journey."