Working with Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
This text is designed to help teachers and service providers work successfully with children who exhibit emotional and behavioral disorders by affording them a repertoire of valuable, evidence-based treatment strategies. Furthermore, because the book represents a synthesis of expertise, written from the dual perspectives of an experienced clinician and an educator, the school professional who reads it will better understand the role of both teacher and service provider, thus optimizing the coordination and effectiveness of the services that are critical to the success of these students. ‘Working with Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: A Guide for K-12 Teachers and Service Providers’ explores the most prevalent behavioral disorders encountered by school professionals as they work with today’s students. These high-incidence behavioral disorders are addressed by type, and each includes a discussion of the relevant characteristics, causes, prevalence, and treatment strategies. Features that are unique to this book include its acknowledgement of the need for a collaborative approach to these problems by all school professionals, as well as the coordination of services provided by the classroom teacher and other service providers working with these students. To date, few books, if any, have provided this holistic perspective. This book is designed to help K-12 teachers and related service providers (i.e., school psychologists, school social workers, speech-language pathologists, guidance counselors, and occupational therapists) work successfully with children who exhibit emotional and behavioral disorders by affording them a repertoire of valuable, evidence-based treatment strategies.