Paul's Faith and the Power of the Gospel
Daniel Patte here offers a fresh literary-critical introduction to the dominant literature of the New Testament, the major letters of the apostle Paul: Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, 1 Thessalonians, and Philemon. Patte invites the reader to explore these letters through several readings: an historical reading in which he reviews and critiques the results of traditional interpretations, and structural readings in which he elucidates the main characteristics of Paul's faith and discerns a system of convictions that supports Paul's theology and gives it coherence. Through this novel literary approach, Professor Patte leads the reader of these letters to a better understanding of the power of the Gospel, the relation of the Gospel to Judaism, and Paul's interpersonal view of faith. Here is an invitation to rediscover Paul's faith in all its richness!