Paul in Acts and Paul in His Letters
The reception of Paul in the first century is a highly debated issue. Daniel Marguerat defends the position of a threefold reception of Paul in parallel ways: documentary, biographical and doctoral. Marguerat advocates that the value of the phenomena of reception be appreciated, in particular the figure of Paul in Acts. It should not systematically be compared to the apostle's writings, even though this image evolves from a Lukan reinterpretation. The essays concern the literary and theological construction of the book of Acts, focusing on the figure of Paul: his rapport with the Torah, the Socratic model, the Lukan character construction, the resurrection as central theme in Acts, the significance of meals. They also treat themes of Pauline theology: Paul the mystic, the justification by faith, imitating Paul as father and mother of the community, and the woman's veil in Corinth.