Mangrove Ecosystem Dynamics
Ecosystem Dynamics of Mangrove Forests presents a comprehensive account of the various functions of mangrove habitats, from spatial dynamics of intertidal ecosystems to nutrient and biogeochemical cycling in sediments, tidal and coastal waters, and dependent species. This process-oriented approach is necessary to further understand the role of these dynamic habitats in the coastal ocean, and as a next step towards developing adequate strategies for mangrove conservation, management, and sustainable use. Written by a leading expert in mangrove biology and tropical marine ecology, this book takes an energetics approach to summarize the latest developments and knowledge in the field of mangrove ecology. Initial chapters discuss the fundamentals of intertidal environments and the spatial and temporal dynamics of mangrove habitats. Latter chapters address recent advances in food web energetics in tidal waters, exploring benthic invertebrate, planktonic, fish, and arboreal food webs. Final sections detail decomposition of organic matter, nutrient cycling, and carbon sequestration. Ecosystem Dynamics of Mangrove Forests addresses rapidly emerging and vital issues of climate change, blue carbon, sustainable management and restoration, and the connectivity and interdependence between mangroves and other coastal habitats and species. This new work offers a comprehensive functional view of the current and future state of mangrove ecosystems that will greatly benefit coastal and marine biologists, resource managers, conservationists, and students alike. • Takes an ecosystem functional approach to mangrove ecology• Explores food web dynamics of species reliant on mangrove habitats, including micro- and macro-algae, benthic macroinvertebrates, plankton, fish, and canopy species• Examines mangrove physiology, reproduction, growth, and habitat development over space and time• Summarizes biogeochemical cycles of mangrove habitats• Covers emerging issues such as climate change, blue carbon, the role of mangroves in the blue economy, and the application of ecosystem dynamics in restoration and rehabilitation