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The Masks of Dionysos
The Masks of Dionysos
The metaphysical center of Plato's work has traditionally been taken to be his Doctrine of Forms; the epistemological center, the Doctrine of Recollection. The Symposium has been viewed as one of the clearest explanations of the first and Meno as one of the clearest explanations of the other. The Masks of Dionysos challenges these traditional interpretations.
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Divinity and Maximal Greatness
Divinity and Maximal Greatness
"Divinity and Maximal Greatness stands in the notable tradition of perfect-being theology. The book thoughtfully explicates the concept of divinity in terms of the notion of maximal greatness - a being is divine if and only if he is maximally great."--BOOK JACKET.
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America's Film Legacy
America's Film Legacy
Collection of the five hundred films that have been selected, to date, for preservation by the National Film Preservation Board, and are thereby listed in the National Film Registry.
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Principles and Practice of Ophthalmology E-Book
Principles and Practice of Ophthalmology E-Book
Inside the 3rd edition of this esteemed masterwork, hundreds of the most distinguished authorities from around the world provide today's best answers to every question that arises in your practice. They deliver in-depth guidance on new diagnostic approaches, operative technique, and treatment option, as well as cogent explanations of every new scientific concept and its clinical importance. With its new streamlined, more user-friendly, full-color format, this 3rd edition makes reference much faster, easier, and more versatile. More than ever, it's the source you need to efficiently and confidently overcome any clinical challenge you may face. Comprehensive, authoritative, and richly illustrated coverage of every scientific and clinical principle in ophthalmology ensures that you will always be able to find the guidance you need to diagnose and manage your patients' ocular problems and meet today's standards of care. Updates include completely new sections on "Refractive Surgery" and "Ethics and Professionalism"... an updated and expanded "Geneitcs" section... an updated "Retina" section featuring OCT imaging and new drug therapies for macular degeneration... and many other important new developments that affect your patient care. A streamlined format and a new, more user-friendly full-color design - with many at-a-glance summary tables, algorithms, boxes, diagrams, and thousands of phenomenal color illustrations - allows you to locate the assistance you need more rapidly than ever.
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Forecasting the 10-hour Timelag Fuel Moisture
Forecasting the 10-hour Timelag Fuel Moisture
Avalanche dynamics equations are used to estimate flow heights, velocities, specific thrust pressure, maximum specific weight of avalanche debris, and runout distance for 12 avalanche case studies from the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Suggestions are made for using this engineering approach for avalanche zoning and land use planning.
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Antisocial Drivers
Antisocial Drivers
This textbook relies on traffic research, psychology research, and criminological research to examine why some drivers are antisocial drivers and what can be done to persuade them to become prosocial drivers. Chapter 1 examines the problem of antisocial drivers on America's roads. These drivers are reckless, performing high-risk moves that endanger themselves and others. Antisocial driving is linked to the deterioration of social values and driving skills are linked to social skills. Chapter 2 clarifies the meaning of antisocial driving, which includes a myriad of illegal and dangerous driving behaviors, such as driving while under the influence of drugs and tailgating. Chapter 3 identifies the types of individuals who engage in antisocial driving behaviors, while chapter 4 reviews the research findings concerning the relationship between antisocial driving and antisocial behavior
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Child Abuse
Child Abuse
The purpose of this book is to attempt to explore child abuse from a contemporary perspective in terms of its multiple elements, victims, and criminal justice responses. This text will: (1) begin to address the needs of those studying child abuse from a cultural perspective; (2) provide a general profile of today’s perpetrators of child abuse as well as conditions that may facilitate the abuse; (3) provide information on current modes of child abuse; (4) provide discussions on long-term consequences for adult victims of child abuse; and, (5) provide details in terms of criminal justice responses to child abuse in the United States and internationally.
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Numerical Partial Differential Equations for Environmental Scientists and Engineers
Numerical Partial Differential Equations for Environmental Scientists and Engineers
For readers with some competence in PDE solution properties, this book offers an interdisciplinary approach to problems occurring in natural environmental media: the hydrosphere, atmosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere, biosphere and ionosphere. It presents two major discretization methods: Finite Difference and Finite Element, plus a section on practical approaches to ill-posed problems. The blend of theory, analysis, and implementation practicality supports solving and understanding complicated problems.
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Exalting Jesus in Mark
Exalting Jesus in Mark
Edited by David Platt, Daniel L. Akin, and Tony Merida, this new commentary series, projected to be 48 volumes, takes a Christ-centered approach to expositing each book of the Bible. Rather than a verse-by-verse approach, the authors have crafted chapters that explain and apply key passages in their assigned Bible books. Readers will learn to see Christ in all aspects of Scripture, and they will be encouraged by the devotional nature of each exposition. Exalting Jesus in Mark is written by Daniel L. Akin.
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