The Year of Supernatural Deliverance
PROPHETIC WORD AND PRAYERS FOR THE YEAR, 2023.In these past three years, we've seen the powers of heaven shaken. We've seen the moon cry and the sun vexed. The forces of nature have rebelled, and the nations have warred. Heaven has sent warnings upon warnings to the sons of men; perhaps they will humble themselves and seek God. Unfortunately, the pride and arrogance of man continue to increase. This year, men are, again, going to be humbled. Their chariots and horses will, once again, fail, as the fourth horseman of the apocalypse, the angel of blood, will ride through the nations. I bring you these words not to frighten you, not to make any claims, and not to prove anything. I am a servant with the burden of the Lord upon me. I bring these words to challenge your heart to seek God and embrace His worry in your soul. I bring you these words with a charge: "We need the help of God now more than ever." Here's what the Holy Spirit has instructed my heart to share with you. May it draw your heart to prayers and total dependence on the Almighty.This year, 2023, victory, stability, and courage will not be of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of the Lord that showeth mercy, for there is no real help or security in the hills and mountains. The help we need can only come from God.This book is the seventh in our new year prayer series. It is a powerful guide and tool designed to empower you to pray and command the year 2023. With this manual, you will arise and prophesy to the year, surrender your plans to God, hear the voice of God, be empowered to follow God's purpose for your life, and achieve what truly matters.