Breast Cancer
This updated New Edition provides a complete yet concise understanding of breast cancer-from biology, pathology, and screening through diagnosis, treatment, long-term follow-up, and adjuvant care. Its practical, multidisciplinary focus addresses the concerns of every member of the health care team. A unique question-and-answer format offers clear answers to clinical questions, enhancing communication among physicians, nurses, and patients. Considers the full range of management options, including radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and monoclonal antibody therapy. Uses a question-and-answer format to make reference easy. Saves time by examining only well-established, proven diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. Incorporates new chapters on needle biopsy, lymph node pathology, sonography, new diagnostic imaging modalities, MRI, emerging surgical approaches (such as radiofrequency and cryoablative techniques), and medicolegal issues. Offers brand-new coverage of lymphatic mapping and sentinel node biopsy, molecular pathology, and the latest chemotherapeutic options. Presents 50% new contributors who are international leaders in molecular biology, genetics, radiology, pathology, surgery, and oncology. Delivers nearly 300 new clinical photographs and line illustrations. With 60 additional contributing experts.