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Dual Depravity
Dual Depravity
Dual Depravity. Two Authors. Two novellas each. One Book. From extreme horror/bizarre imprint, WetWorks comes a new line of books, featuring tales penned by sanguinary scribes who deal in darkness and depravity. This filth-layered volume sees in a foursome of tales from the Queen of Filth, Dani Brown and the Pauper of Perversion, David Owain Hughes. Tales range from splatterpunk and hardcore horror to bizarro and the downright depraved and deranged, exploring uncharted worlds and lives one bloody, and cum-stained step, of the way. From the mean streets of a city centre to the corrupt setting of a village run by hoods to the existence of special individuals who lead troubling lives, demonstrating once more that depravity and horror lurk everywhere, even in places you least expect.
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Repulsive Tales
Repulsive Tales
A nauseating expedition into the minds of ten indie writers that refuse to accept boundaries exist. Repulsive Tales is not an anthology for the faint of heart or stomach of the weak. Contained within are stories that tickle the gag reflex and conjure the horrors that lurk in the shadows around every corner. Each piece, although grotesque and demented, is much more than the average splattergore shocker. Mingled amidst Quentin Tarantino's Wet Dream and a twisted tale about the love for John Stamos, are stories that represent everyday people, maybe even your neighbor, that have blood on their hands and dark secrets to hide. Share in the terror that is Jed's Homemade Soup and learn to hate That Damned Dog while you enjoy a Dinner to Die for and just say Fork You to everything you once loved. Will you make it all the way through without puking at each Repulsive Tale? Featuring stories by The Queen of Filth - Dani Brown, Brian Glossup, Essel Pratt, Howard Carlyle, J.L. Lane, James H. Longmore, Jason Morton, Michael Noe, Rob Glagow, and William Bradley.
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Wild & Well
Wild & Well
What “shines through” in this wellness guide from a nurse practitioner “are the solutions she’s found . . . beyond common and conventional medical approaches” —Kirkus Reviews In a time when there is access to more knowledge and resources than ever before, a strange thing is happening: People still believe most of what they hear. Sadly, the idea that one has to feel worse and take more prescriptions as they age is just a lie, plain and simple. It’s a lie that has kept people stuck not in a healthcare system but in a sick-care system that doesn't profit from happy, healthy patients. Dani Williamson helps readers break free from that untruth and allow them to re-discover how they were meant to live . . . Wild & Well! In Wild & Well, readers dive with Dani into a discussion of the modern state of health in America and learn the six steps they can take into order to reclaim their health, relationships, intimacy with their spouse, and faith in the fact that they are fearfully and wonderfully made. Readers learn that it’s not as hard as they think to eat well, sleep well, poop well, move well, relax well, and connect well. “Dani expertly unpacks why we can’t think about our health in isolation—and why the best solution isn’t always medication. If you’re ready for a holistic, practical approach to your health, read on.” —Michael Hyatt, New York Times–bestselling author of Your Best Year “You will be inspired to living your wildest and most well life thanks to Dani’s wit, wisdom, and research.” —J Virgin, New York Times–bestselling author of The Virgin Diet
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How to Cook a Baby
How to Cook a Baby
Do you have a taste for the forbidden? A hankerin' for something nice and tender without the need to head out too far for the trouble? A genuine wrack of baby back ribs with pizzazz? Look no farther. Here you'll find plenty of uses for that little squawker you been dyin' to unload anyway. Feeding a tantalizin' baby meal to the family on the go may seem like a daunting task, but with the easy-to-prepare recipes gathered in this cookbook, you can make it happen without a lot of time spent in the kitchen or the nursery. Herein you'll find loads of tips and tricks for tracking, planning, nabbing, prepping, cooking, packaging, and feeding the little suckers which will set you up for any situation. That FBI agent won't have boo to say after he tries your baby sweet meats braised in butter and special spices! Plus, nearly all of these cannibal delights can be made in advance and stored in the freezer, meaning that you can have an array of different meals at your fingertips! Featuring stories and recipes by Essel Pratt, Toneye Eyenot, catt dahman, Michael Fisher, Andrew Freudenberg, Rose Garnett, Fox Emm, Brian Glossup, Michael Noe, Dani Brown, Peter Oliver Wonder, and David Owain Hughes
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No Place Like Home
No Place Like Home
You will never be able to see the Wizard of Oz in the same way again! Follow the JEA authors as they take their twisted imaginations down the famous Yellow Brick Road. In this book, you will see alternative fates for Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Man, Lion, and their many friends, as well as bizarre twists on some of Frank L. Baum's other Oz story-lines.
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Triggers. Everybody has them. Some traumatic life event. A phobia. Something brought on by anxiety. Fear. Loneliness. Desperation. Desire. Rage. Memories. Hatred. It's how we react to them that shapes us. Will they break us, leave us curled up and lost, helpless and hopeless? Or will they be the catalyst in making us snap? Triggered to run riot and rampage? Different triggers engender different responses. They can be completely anticipated, they can be unexpected. They can be mystifying. They can be horrifying. They can be deadly. Sometimes they can be switched on, never to be turned off. Everybody has triggers. Anything can set them off. CAUTION Some books come labelled with a trigger warning to advise readers that the material contained within has the potential to generate unpleasant responses. This book however, has no such thing. Instead, the whole work in its entirety is one great big trigger warning.
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Dance with the Demon
Dance with the Demon
Demons - we all have them. Like a parasitic shadow, attaching itself and penetrating its foul claws deep into your soul, your own personal demon feeds on your fears. Fear - the basest of all human emotions; the one from which all our others gain impetus and purpose - even of love. Throughout history, the Demon has been projected outwards, given form, given a cornucopia of names and even hierarchies. Truth be told, they are a deeply ingrained expression of our own psyches. Manifesting in a myriad of ways: addictions - physical, mental and spiritual; hatred and prejudice, ignorance and subservience - the Demon lives within us all, and choreographs the dance of life towards death. As you immerse yourself in the demonic tales within these pages, the question may arise... How much of yourself have you given away, as you Dance with the Demon
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Punk Vs Metal
Punk Vs Metal
What happens when a team of writers who swear allegiance to punk are pitched into brutal, no-holds-barred story war with a squad of scribes pledging loyalty to metal? When it comes to rivalries between musical genres, there are few as storied, enduring, and hostile, as the one between punk rock and heavy metal. For two styles that have much in common, this pair of rebellious, agressive musical beasts have long been at loggerheads with each other. So, what happens when a team of writers who swear allegiance to punk are pitched into brutal, no-holds-barred story war with a squad of scribes pledging loyalty to metal? With Michael Fisher campaigning team punk and Jim Goforth at the helm of team metal, we're about to find out. As we go thirteen rounds in a battle anthology like no other. Strap on your guitars. Turn the volume to eleven. And, be prepared to launch yourself into a world where heavy music rules over all. And horror and bizarro authors sling savage ink in the name of their chosen genre. In this knock-down, drag-out war of words, two teams fight for supremacy, and you will be the judge. You make the final call. You decide who wins the ultimate battle that is... PUNK VS METAL
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My Lovely Wife
My Lovely Wife
He had to have her the moment he saw her trachea ring. Six months later she was his lovely wife. He performed his duties as a husband and she as a wife. He tolerated a house filled with references to her late first husband and the children they had together. He put up with her prudish ways. He waited. He was patient. He planned. He was adaptable. He was rewarded over the course of a week in her basement. He turned his perverse sexual fantasies of worms and maggots and her lovely crusty trachea ring into a gruesome reality.
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Blutiger Zorn & Unbändige Wut
Blutiger Zorn & Unbändige Wut
Buch 1: Blutiger Zorn - Niemand stirbt zweimal am Tag Ein Mord an einem Pressesprecher einer bundesdeutschen Behörde ist der Beginn einer unheimlichen Mordserie, die sich von Berlin aus, quer durch den Norden der Republik zieht. Doch je mehr Menschen sterben, umso mehr kristallisiert sich heraus, dass der Täter äußerst professionell vorgeht und kaum verwertbare Spuren an den Tatorten hinterlässt. So nebenbei spielt er Katz und Maus mit der eingesetzten Soko des Innenministeriums und verhöhnt die versammelte Presse. Fieberhaft versuchen die Kriminalisten die Puzzleteile, die sie mühsam ermitteln konnten, zu einem ganzen Bild zusammenzusetzen. Doch der Täter scheint seinen Verfolgern immer einen Schritt voraus zu sein. So steuert letztlich alles auf einen Showdown zu, dessen Ausgang völlig offen ist. Buch 2: Unbändige Wut - Nicht jeder Tag ist gut zum Sterben Ein Serienmörder hinterlässt an den Tatorten immer einen unauffälligen Hinweis. Die Bedeutung dieser hinterlegten Zeichen ist den Kriminalisten um Hauptkommissar Peter Geier von Anfang an völlig unklar, da sie keinerlei Sinn ergeben. Nur eines wird rasch offensichtlich. Der Täter scheint mit seinen Verfolgern Katz und Maus zu spielen und je mehr Zeit vergeht, umso kürzer werden die Abstände zwischen den einzelnen Straftaten. Die Vermutung liegt nahe, dass die grauenvolle Mordserie erst dann endet, wenn das Rätsel der hinterlegten Zeichen endlich gelöst ist. Dabei liegt die Wahrheit so nahe und ist mit den Händen zu greifen. Nur manchmal sieht man den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht.
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