The Third Edition of Infancy is a comprehensive and accessible core text for courses in infant development and early childhood development. Dana Gross’s sensitive and engaging teaching voice seamlessly weaves together research and theory with current issues of diversity and culture. This latest edition provides students with enough detail to understand methodological issues, explore both practically and theoretically important topics, and engage in thinking critically about development from birth to age 3. New To This Edition • A discussion of epigenetics in chapter 1 • More information about functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), eye tracking, and other developmental neuroscience methods in chapters 2, 8, and 9 • Updated coverage of genetics, assisted reproductive technology, and prenatal development in chapter 3 • Additional information about global public health initiatives, such as the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, in chapters 4 and 5 • Expanded information about brain development in chapter 5 • Updated information about the Bucharest Early Intervention Project and the English and Romanian Adoptees (ERA) Study in chapter 5 • Chapter 7 now focuses on play and foundational cognitive theories, with cognitive science treated separately in a new chapter 8 • Updated information from DSM-5 about Autism Spectrum Disorder in chapter 9 • Chapter 12 has been folded into other chapters to better integrate the content on music, media, and technology • A new design highlights updated figures and tables, chapter-opening vignettes, chapter overviews, and other pedagogy • Revised ancillaries—written by the author—include an instructor’s manual and test bank as well as new PowerPoint slides