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Suddenly They Heard Footsteps
Suddenly They Heard Footsteps
Canada’s best-known storyteller, Dan Yashinsky, lives his life as teller and listener, and shows how storytelling can and does create vital connections between individuals, communities and families. In an age of instant messaging, entertainment systems and digital interaction, why is it that more and more people are being drawn to the art of oral storytelling? As Dan Yashinsky, one of Canada’s most well-known and beloved storytellers shows, an old tradition has become the new avant-garde. Storytelling is still very much alive in this digital age: it connects us to each other, to our communities and to our past. In fact, people are as hungry as they've ever been for the wisdom and solace of told stories. But they are also looking for stories that will speak to our post-modern, fractured, apocalyptic age. Suddenly They Heard Footsteps is part memoir, part instruction, part cultural history, and includes tales that Dan has told to wide acclaim. By turns humorous, inspiring, instructive and philosophical, Dan shows us that, like love, stories mean the most the very moment we give them away.
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Swimming with Chaucer
Swimming with Chaucer
Long before the emergence of the printed word, human beings gathered to hear stories. These tales, carried in the head of the storyteller, ensured that a community remembered its history and its beliefs. Now our stories come from a range of sources, but there is still something magical about the spoken word. In this collection of stories and thoughts, Dan Yashinsky shares gems from his treasure trove of material. We travel from the neonatal ICU at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children to the realm of the Blue Djinn, from a mythical forest path to a British Columbia beach, but everywhere we go we are accompanied by Yashinsky’s gentle, quizzical, sometimes bawdy, and always entertaining voice.
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I Am Full: Stories for Jacob
I Am Full: Stories for Jacob
Dan Yashinsky's son Jacob died tragically in a car accident at the age of 26 when Dan fell asleep at the wheel and crashed. All his life, Jacob had struggled with Prader-Willi Syndrome, but rather than let it defeat him, he became an advocate for people suffering from PWS as well as people coping with various other disabilities. His voice has been captured and carried in this unique book, which goes beyond the terrible grief of losing a child to preserving and sharing his story.
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Tales for an Unknown City
Tales for an Unknown City
Tales for an Unknown City is a vibrant selection of almost fifty stories from among the many told at One Thousand and One Friday Nights of Storytelling, a weekly open gathering in Toronto begun by Dan Yashinsky in 1978 and still going strong. There are tales from Canada and many other parts of the world; each followed by a brief word from the teller, giving us the flavour of the "Friday Nights."
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Soudain on entendit des pas--
Dans cet essai remarquablement documenté sur les contes, les conteurs et leurs hôtes, Dan Yashinsky nous fait partager ses connaissances et son enthousiasme pour cet art plus que millénaire que nous ont transmis Homère, Chaucer, Boccaccio, Perrault, les frères Grimm et bien d'autres encore. Un art pratiqué anciennement par les aèdes de la Grèce antique, les troubadours et trouvères du Moyen Âge et, depuis toujours jusqu'à aujourd'hui, par les conteurs et conteuses aînés des Premières Nations et les nombreux conteurs/poètes/chanteurs de la renaissance contemporaine du conte, tel Yashinsky lui-même. À la lumière de cet essai étonnant où se rejoignent histoire et théorie du conte, mais aussi des contes exemplaires d'origines diverses, on retrouve l'émerveillement des légendes et des mythes qui constituent notre psyché humaine. Et nous comprenons mieux l'engouement actuel des auditoires urbains pour ces conteurs, désormais connus de nous tous, que sont les Faubert, Bérubé, Mike Burns et autres Fred Pellerin.
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The Amazing Book Is Not on Fire
The Amazing Book Is Not on Fire
Hello reader! In this book is a world. A world created by two awkward guys who share their lives on the internet! We are Dan and Phil and we invite you on a journey inside our minds! From the stories of our actual births, to exploring Philâe(tm)s teenage diary and all the reasons why Danâe(tm)s a fail. Learn how to draw the perfect cat whiskers, get advice on how to make YouTube videos and discover which of our dining chairs represents you emotionally. With everything from what we text each other, to the time we met One Direction and what really happened in Vegas... This is The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire!
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Dan and Phil Go Outside
Dan and Phil Go Outside
YouTube sensations Dan Howell (danisnotonfire) and Phil Lester (AmazingPhil) were just two awkward guys who shared their lives on the Internet…until now. Dan Howell and Phil Lester, avoiders of human contact and direct sunlight, actually went outside. Traveling around the world on tour, they have collected hundreds of exclusive, intimate, and funny photos, as well as revealing and candid side notes, to show the behind-the-scenes story of their adventure. Fans of Dan and Phil’s #1 New York Times bestseller, The Amazing Book Is Not on Fire, and their more than 10 million YouTube subscribers will love this full-color book featuring never-before-seen photos and stories from Dan and Phil.
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