Generation Why?
Why am I here? It's one of life's biggest questions, and there are plenty of answers out there. How do you know which of them is the right one? No, not just the right one for you, which of them is actually true? Sure, you may think you know what all of the answers out there claim, but what if you're wrong? Generation Why? pulls back the curtain, exposing commonly-held beliefs for what they are: self-serving lies to get your money, your time and yes, even your soul. Author Bio: Born in 1990, Dan Greenup is a Christian writer and an avid indoorsman from the Pacific Northwest. He graduated from the University of Washington with a degree in Global Studies. If you can figure out what to do with one of those, let him know. You can call him Dan, Danny or Daniel. He's not picky. keywords: Christian, Evangelism, Apologetics, Religion, Christian Living, Philosophy, Theology, Religious Studies, Comparative Religion, Spirituality