History of the Big Bonanza
Peruse Press is proud to present this entirely new edition of the "History of the Big Bonanza" by Dan De Quille (William Wright), with an introduction by Mark Twain, and many historic photos by Carleton E. Watkins, Charles L. Weed, Timothy H. O'Sullivan, James H. Crockwell, Lawrence & Houseworth, and others. Added to this edition is a new prologue of select droll barbs between Dan De Quille and Mark Twain extracted from 1864 editions of the Territorial Enterprise newspaper, where the two worked together as reporters in the rambunctious boomtown of Virginia City, Nevada, located directly on top of the enormous Comstock Lode silver vein. Also included in this edition is a new compilation of 114 historic photographs, illustrations and maps selected to complement the text, and give readers a firsthand look at the historic people, mines and region delineated in this classic tome of the "Sagebrush School" of western literature. Photographers, illustrators, and cartographers in this edition include Mathew Brady, Grafton Tyler Brown, Elmer Chickering, James H. Crockwell, W. H. Davenport, T. L. Dawes, Mark Diederichsen, Andrew A. Forbes, Charles F. Hoffmann, Robert Kerrigan, Augustus Koch, Lawrence & Houseworth, Walter Neale, John S. Noe, Timothy H. O'Sullivan, Roswell Morse Shurtleff, Louis Thors, Carleton E. Watkins, Charles L. Weed, and True Williams. This is also the only edition with a complete index.