A New Way Forward
“Wisdom and compassion are intimately linked and mutually reinforcing.Compassion in Buddhism does not involve the forcible suppression ofour natural emotions, our likes and dislikes. Rather, it is the realization thateven those whom we dislike have qualities that can contribute to our livesand can afford us opportunities to grow in our own humanity.”—Daisaku IkedaPeace lies along the path of humanity's growth and inner transformation. With this as a major theme, Daisaku Ikeda offers fresh insights and new ways of thinking in each of his seven US university lectures collected in A New Way Forward.These explorations on the power of dialogue, the interdependence of all life, the importance of developing in one's character the attributes of wisdom, courage, and compassion, and other topics, stir the heart and mind and lead to the inevitable conclusion that each individual holds the key to a lasting peace.