The New Balanced Diet
Powerfood highlights a variety of innovative, healthy eating topics, emphasizing fitness, a slim physique, and general well-being. It is directed towards a young target group and takes an upbeat look at the latest trends in eating healthfully.Each title provides a quick introduction to the subject matter, then offers a wide range of recipes. A clearly defined goal, which can be achieved with minimal effort, gives these books their unique appeal.A short theory section in each book consists of a clear, concise presentation of the subject. For example, which nutritional substances are contained in our food and how do they work with our bodies? What exactly do the nutrients do for one's body? How can the nutrients found in food help one stay fit and healthy? The topics are based on the latest scientific findings, but are presented in a casual, easy-to-understand manner. The recipes are simple and highly effective, appealing to the palate as well as to the body, mind, and soul. In line with its young target group, the language used is easy-going, lively, and highly motivating.The books' design features color highlights, photographs, and tables to promote understanding. The photographs are modern, in line with the subject matter, and are selected for their fresh, strong colors.In a healthy body, alkaline and acid are properly balanced. Unhealthy eating, stress, and other factors can disturb this balance to make you feel weak and generally unwell. The New Balanced Diet provides simple, tasty recipes to counteract excessive acid in your body and help you to feel great."