Unleashing the Power of Gratitude
This book is written to propel a change of attitude and encourage commitment to living a life filled with gratitude. The truth is, no matter what you are facing, you can still find something to be grateful for if you really look inward and around you. Expressing gratitude improves mental, physical, and relational well-being. It improves one's quality of life. In this book, the author reveals the power of gratitude and lays out the tools you need to communicate it. He leads the reader through the process of practicing gratitude and how gratitude could transform your life and empower you to become happier, healthier, more productive, and improve your relationships with people. He does a phenomenal job correlating your feelings with being human, bridging science (nature and nurture) and God's unfailing word seamlessly. He examines the scientifically and spiritually proven benefits of gratitude and highlights its life-changing power. Gratitude is considered to be the most impactful intervention of the science of positive psychology. It affects your feelings, actions, and results. He acknowledges that gratitude is not rocket science, but it is not an easy thing to practice. He, therefore, encourages you to be intentional about practicing gratitude and also to depend on the grace of God. This book is simple, and it presents practical gratitude exercises and attitude boosters that are rejuvenating, refreshing, powerful, and transformative. After picking up a copy, the book undoubtedly will become one of your quick references. Enjoy the reading!