Introductory Concepts of Wireless Sensor Network. Theory and Applications
Document from the year 2018 in the subject Instructor Plans: Computing / Data Processing / IT / Telecommunication, , course: Wireless Sensor Network, language: English, abstract: This book, Introductory Concepts of Wireless Sensor Network provides the details study of Wireless Sensor Network Introduction, Application, Middleware and basic concept of cloud computing with WSN. This book also uses the Data Transmission concepts for secure data transmission over the wireless sensor network in distributed environment. This book is useful for undergraduates, postgraduates and research scholar students for their course work and research projects in the field of engineering, science and technology. The text is organized into ten chapters, Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 provides Basic concept of wireless sensor network and their application in real life. Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 Routing in Cluster Based Wireless Sensor Networks and Cluster Based Distribution Routing Protocol for wireless sensor network. Chapter 5 and Chapter 6, includes MAC Protocol for WSN & MANET and Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network. Chapter 7 and Chapter 8, give the brief introduction of Transport Control Protocols for WSN and different Middleware’s for WSN. Chapter 9 and Chapter 10 give brief Concept of Cloud Computing with WSN and Data Transmission over the WSN. Finally, this book includes un-solved problems, exercise and list of projects that are useful for both graduate and post-graduate students.