The book, now in its second edition, fulfills the need for an up-to-date comprehensive text on irrigation water management for students of agriculture both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The scope of the book makes it a useful reference for courses in agricultural engineering, agronomy, soil science, agricultural physics and environ-mental sciences. It can also serve as a valuable guidebook to persons working with farming communities. The coverage in sixteen chapters brings out different aspects of irrigation including irrigation situation in the world, rainfall, evaporation, water wealth and progressive development of irrigation in India, measurement of soil water and irrigation water, methods of irrigation, irrigation with saline water, formulating cropping pattern in irrigated area and management of high water table. In the second edition, a new chapter on ‘On-farm Irrigation System’ has been included and a few chapters have been updated to include latest development. The book has useful research data and a large number of diagrams for easy comprehension of the topics. The end-of-chapter problems and numerous worked-out examples serve to aid further understanding of the subject. The book also contains an extensive glossary.