Legends Companion
In the wake of CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS, the heroes of the DC Universemust find a new purpose and direction in the battle for justice! Superman,Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, and more have dedicated theirlives to protecting the innocent and defending justice. But when G. GordonGodfrey arrives and acts on behalf of Darkseid to create a hate campaign thatoutlaws super-heroic activities, the world's greatest find themselves fightingthe very people they swore to protect! Features appearances by many of DC's topheroes, including Batman, Superman, Green Lantern and Firestorm (currently seenon the CW TV series DC's Legends of Tomorrow). Collects BATMAN #401,DETECTIVE COMICS #568, GREEN LANTERN CORPS #207, COSMIC BOY #1-4, JUSTICE LEAGUEOF AMERICA #259-261, SECRET ORIGINS #10 and #14, FURY OF FIRESTORM #55-56, BLUEBEETLE #9-10, WARLORD #114-115, SUPERMAN #3, ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN #426 andACTION COMICS #586.