Pollination Biology of Cultivated Oil Seeds and Pulse Crops
The book provides in detail information on pollination biology of oilseed and pulse crops. The book presents information on improving productivity of oilseed crops and pulses through planned pollination and safety of pollinators from pesticides. Covering the latest information on various major world oil crops and pulses, this book brings the latest advances together in a single volume for researchers and advanced-level students. The book will enlighten the readers with the latest technological developments in pollination of oilseed crops and pulses and shall be useful to agricultural and applied scientists, extension workers, policy planners, and policymakers to improve rural economy and conservation of global biodiversity. Salient Features Covers the latest information on various aspects of pollination biology of oilseed and pulses crops and brings the latest advances together in a single volume for researchers and advanced level students. An excellent source of advanced study material for academics, researchers, and students and program planners Provides an excellent source of livelihood through enhanced productivity of oilseed and pulse crops. Aims to promote a large, diverse, sustainable, and dependable bee pollinator workforce that can meet the challenge for optimizing production of oil and pulse crops well into the twenty-first century. The pollination requirements of most of the pulse crops have been reported to benefit production of pulse crops both qualitatively and quantitatively. This book will be useful for pollination biologists; honeybee biologists; scientists working in agriculture, animal behaviour, conservation, biology, and ecology; entomologists; environmental biologists, etc.