Flying in to Love
The assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy is the haunting subject of D. M. Thomas's Flying in to Love. Reconstructing the events that took place in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Thomas's novel brings back to life the tragedy that left its indelible mark on American history and embroiders it with the author's own lyrical imagination. A literary novel of enormous power, interweaving fact and fiction, it is decidedly his best book since The White Hotel. Thomas paints vivid portraits of the President, Mrs. Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald, Vice President Lyndon Johnson, and Texas Governor John Connally. He brilliantly explores the continuing obsessions both with Kennedy the man and with the disturbing paradoxes and mysteries of his death. Reality, fantasy. and mythology interlink like the triple underpass in Dealey Plaza. Flying in to Love is D. M. Thomas's most controversial novel yet and a book destined to shock readers and create a sensation.