Index to American Reference Books Annual, 1990-1994
**** The annuals, to which this is the index, are cited in Sheehy and BCL3. This five-year index gives access to 8771 reviews of references reviewed in ARBA, volumes 16 through 20. **** American Reference Books Annual (ARBA) is an essential tool, not only for libraries, but for reference book publishers as well (we at Book News would not be without it), and is cited in BCL3, Sheehy, and Walford. This five-year cumulative index provides access by subject, title, and author to reviews of the 9,284 reference works covered in the last five volumes of ARBA. In addition to being used to locate reviews, the index also serves as an anlytical tool for collection evaluation and development and acquisitions. Annotation copyright by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR