A Computer-Mapped Flora
A Computer-Mapped Flora presents the study of county flora using electronic data processing methods to sort and codify the information gathered. This book also uses computer techniques for the construction of distribution maps that report the presence or absence of a species in a certain area and their major habitats. The book is comprised of 15 chapters. The first chapter is subdivided into two parts that discuss the previous work and a review and revision of old methods used in the study. The following paragraphs focus on the physical aspect of the topic. This volume includes chapters on the physical background, geology and soils, and historical geography. Also included in the book is a chapter dedicated to the historical survey of Warwickshire bryophytes. The following section focuses on the study and research aspect. Topics included are the recording and processing of data and habitat studies. The topics discussed in the subsequent chapters focus on plants, specifically flowering and vascular plants and bryophytes. Distribution maps, graph-plotted maps, and vascular plant checklists are some of the topics discussed. The book aims to be of service to botanists and other biologists outside of the British setting. This reference material will be helpful to other disciplines as the methods documented herein can also be applied to other studies and research.