Hollow Family Tree
I want to help you deliver your soul from the effects of the childhood that is continually tormenting you. I was born into an alcoholic home. Because of this, I suffered through some very traumatic and preventable events. I survived child abuse, neglect, severe burns,and the loss of a precious infant sister. Along with this came divorce, dysfunction and more. For anyone who has lived through anything close to the mess that I called a childhood the road to healing is long and winding, sometimes appearing to have no end.This is the story of my scars and the abuse that I lived in as a child. The abuse tormented me into my adulthood, even after my salvation. When I would seek help from professionals, I seemed to get one of two results: either they had no clue how to deal with someone who had lived through such trauma or they were still unhealthy themselves and would just simply encourage me to prematurely forgive. By doing this they were avoiding dealing with the core issue a darkened soul. There is hope for the abused: emotionally, physically and sexually. In life there are things that bring unrest to your soul, your inner most being. When you have had such severe crippling occur in your life that you allow to take up any residency in your soul you are ultimately refusing to surrender that territory over to God. In exchange, you are allowing the crippling to take up prime real estate where light should reside.For me, I knew that I had so many events that had adversely affected my life. I had no choice but to open up my soul to God and allow Him to help me. This took me many years. I needed Gods help big time! It is most important that you search your heart and soul for any defective drama like scenarios that are still undone on your insides. When I would dwell upon my past, I remained uncomfortable, unsettled, and irritated in my mind. For anyone who can relate, this book is for you!