Transcendent Beauty
Often when we meet a person who's beautiful, we say that they 'lit up the room.' The transcendently beautiful have an inner beacon that's brilliantly lit and brimming with bliss. They've learned how to attract light while calming the ego-knowing that when the mind abides by the soul, the body, in turn, is connected to this knowingness, and transcendent beauty follows. Such people live in harmony-their health is abundant, their bodies are agile and fit, and their minds are vibrant and inspired. And while most people talk about attractiveness as being merely physical, true beauty definitely comes from the soul. Transcendent Beauty will take you on a journey where you'll see how easy it can be to shine yourself. If you embrace and practice the principles outlined in Transcendent Beauty, you'll see how easy it can be for you, too, to shine with an intoxicating power. One day without warning a shift will occur, and you'll suddenly realize that you're no longer trying to be beautiful-you are!