Two Brothers, Their Mother, and the Green-Eyed Monster
A Spellbinding Psychological Thriller with many Shocking Twists. A tale of greed, deception, sibling rivalry, parental abuse and estrangement. Harrowing story of what happens when a loving son wants to provide comfort and care for his ailing mother suffering with dementia in her last years. Met with only animosity, jealousy and betrayal from his siblings, who are more interested in control than compassion. He perseveres through roadblock after roadblock__often going up against unscrupulous, attorneys, judges, and caregivers. The jealous brother used skeptical ways to obtain the power of attorney for their mother even during her attempts to remove him as sole power of attorney. He then uses this position and the authority it gave ‘him as ‘power for revenge’ against his brother. The jealous brother becomes “The Green Eyed Monster.” Shakespeare created this name for jealousy in his play, Othello to dramatize jealousy and it’s powerful and dangerous ability to destroy. Joined by their sister as he becomes more callous, relentless, contemptible and cruel towards their brother by wrongful use of his authority, ignoring the effect their actions were having on their 91-year-old mother in the final stage of dementia. She started to become more withdrawn, confused and broken-hearted. A lawsuit was filed against the jealous brother in an attempt to stop his cruelty. Book Review 1: "Craig Clovis has woven a fascinating tale of greed, deception, sibling rivalry and parental abuse. Told in a clear, straightforward manner, this is a harrowing story of what happens when a loving son wants to provide comfort and care for his ailing mother in her last declining years. Met with only animosity, jealousy and betrayal from his siblings (who are more interested in control than compassion) he preserves through roadblock after roadblock – often going up against unscrupulous attorneys, local judges and law enforcement officers. The writer understands that the end of life should be a dignified, peacefu transition and chronicles his efforts to make it just that for his mother. This first-time novelist deftly captures the complete and exhausting frustration of the trials of this phase of life, all made worse while battling family members who should be helping instead of hindering the process. This is a must read for every parent as a cautionary lesson on the consequences that can be created by their decisions as to who handles their affairs. It should also encourage every child to sit down with their parents and discuss their affairs in detail before these matters are turned over to others who may not have their best interests in mind. As heartbreaking as it is to follow the mental decline of a beloved parent, it’s heartwarming to read about a son who was there to fight for his mother, through thick and thin, until her last breath." -- Robert Wasinger Paris, France Marketing Executive, Writer, Actor, Retired Book Review 2: “This is more than a story of a family estrangement and two brothers’ disputes. It’s a story about the power and beauty of a son’s love for his mother; an ageless story anyone coming to terms with the aging of a parent will want to read. While it touched my heart, it also gave me plenty of reasons to be grateful to be an only child!” -- Keith Garton-Red Chair Press