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Early Elementary Mathematics Lessons to Explore, Understand, and Respond to Social Injustice
Early Elementary Mathematics Lessons to Explore, Understand, and Respond to Social Injustice
"This book is a must-read for all elementary educators. A call to action, the guide for teachers offers incredible resources, including powerful lesson plans, to engage readers in the practice of teaching mathematics for social justice in early childhood settings. An immense contribution to the conversation around social justice and mathematics in elementary education." Ruchi Agarwal-Rangnath Assistant Professor, University of San Francisco San Francisco, CA Empower children to be the change—join the teaching mathematics for social justice movement! We live in an era in which students of all ages have—through media and their lived experiences— a more visceral experience of social injustices. However, when people think of social justice, mathematics rarely comes to mind. With a teacher-friendly design, this book brings early elementary mathematics content to life by connecting it to the natural curiosity and empathy young children bring with them and the issues they experience. Tested in PK-2 classrooms, the model lessons contributed in this book walk teachers through the process of applying critical frameworks to instruction, using standards-based mathematics to explore, understand, and respond to social justice issues. Learn to plan instruction that engages children in mathematics explorations through age-appropriate, culturally relevant topics such as fairness, valuing diversity and difference, representation and inequality, and environmental justice. Features include: Content cross-referenced by mathematical concept and social issues Connection to Learning for Justice’s social justice standards Downloadable instructional materials and lesson resources Guidance for lessons driven by children’s unique passions and challenges Connections between research and practice Written for teachers committed to developing equitable and just practices through the lens of mathematics content and practice standards as well as social justice standards, this book will help connect content to children’s daily lives, fortify their mathematical understanding, and expose them to issues that will support them in becoming active citizens and leaders.
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Eco-Performance, Art, and Spatial Justice in the US
Eco-Performance, Art, and Spatial Justice in the US
In Eco-Performance, Art, and Spatial Justice in the US, Courtney B. Ryan traces how urban artists in the US from the 1970s until today contend with environmental domestication and spatial injustice through performance. In theater, art, film, and digital media, the artists featured in this book perform everyday, spatialized micro-acts to contest the mutual containment of urbanites and nonhuman nature. Whether it is plant artist Vaughn Bell going for a city stroll in her personal biosphere, photographer Naima Green photographing Black urbanites in lush New York City parks, guerrilla gardeners launching seed bombs into abandoned city lots, or a satirical tweeter parodying BP’s response to the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the subjects in this book challenge deeply engrained Western directives to domesticate nonhuman nature. In examining how urban eco-artists perform alternate ecologies that celebrate the interconnectedness of marginalized human, vegetal, and aquatic life, Ryan suggests that small environmental performances can expose spatial injustice and increase spatial mobility. Bringing a performance perspective to the environmental humanities, this interdisciplinary text offers readers stymied by the global climate crisis a way forward. It will appeal to a wide range of students and academics in performance, media studies, urban geography, and environmental studies.
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Justice Reinvestment
Justice Reinvestment
Justice reinvestment was introduced as a response to mass incarceration and racial disparity in the United States in 2003. This book examines justice reinvestment from its origins, its potential as a mechanism for winding back imprisonment rates, and its portability to Australia, the United Kingdom and beyond. The authors analyze the principles and processes of justice reinvestment, including the early neighborhood focus on 'million dollar blocks'. They further scrutinize the claims of evidence-based and data-driven policy, which have been used in the practical implementation strategies featured in bipartisan legislative criminal justice system reforms. This book takes a comparative approach to justice reinvestment by examining the differences in political, legal and cultural contexts between the United States and Australia in particular. It argues for a community-driven approach, originating in vulnerable Indigenous communities with high imprisonment rates, as part of a more general movement for Indigenous democracy. While supporting a social justice approach, the book confronts significantly the problematic features of the politics of locality and community, the process of criminal justice policy transfer, and rationalist conceptions of policy. It will be essential reading for scholars, students and practitioners of criminal justice and criminal law.
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Freedom Faith
Freedom Faith
Freedom Faith is the first full-length critical study of Rev. Dr. Prathia Laura Ann Hall (1940–2002), an undersung leader in both the civil rights movement and African American theology. Freedom faith was the central concept of Hall’s theology: the belief that God created humans to be free and assists and equips those who work for freedom. Hall rooted her work simultaneously in social justice, Christian practice, and womanist thought. Courtney Pace examines Hall’s life and philosophy, particularly through the lens of her civil rights activism, her teaching career, and her ministry as a womanist preacher. Moving along the trajectory of Hall’s life and civic service, Freedom Faith focuses on her intellectual and theological development and her radiating influence on such figures as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Marian Wright Edelman, and the early generations of womanist scholars. Hall was one of the first women ordained in the American Baptist Churches, USA, was the pastor of Mt. Sharon Baptist Church in Philadelphia, and in later life joined the faculty at the Boston University School of Theology as the Martin Luther King Chair in Social Ethics. In activism and ministry, Hall was a pioneer, fusing womanist thought with Christian ethics and visions of social justice.
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Sex Ed, Segregated
Sex Ed, Segregated
Demonstrates that the intersection between race, gender, and class formed the backbone of Progressive-Era debates over sex education, the policing of sexuality, and the prevention of venereal disease.
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Communicative Competence, Classroom Interaction, and Educational Equity
Communicative Competence, Classroom Interaction, and Educational Equity
In the World Library of Educationalists series, international scholars themselves compile career-long collections of what they judge to be their finest pieces—extracts from books, key articles, salient research findings, major theoretical and/or practical contributions—so the world can read them in a single manageable volume. Readers thus are able to follow the themes and strands of their work and see their contribution to the development of a field, as well as the development of the field itself. Contributors to the series include: Michael Apple, James A. Banks, Joel Spring, William F. Pinar, Stephen J. Ball, Elliot Eisner, Howard Gardner, John Gilbert, Ivor F. Goodson, and Peter Jarvis. In this volume, Courtney B. Cazden, renowned educational sociolinguist, brings together a selection of her seminal work, organized around three themes: development of individual communicative competence in both oral and written language and discourse; classroom interaction in learning and teaching; and social justice/educational equity issues in wider contexts beyond the classroom. Since the 1970s, Cazden has been a key figure in the ethnography of schooling, focusing on children’s linguistic development (both oral and written) and the functions of language in formal education, primarily but not exclusively in the United States. Combining her experiences as a former primary schoolteacher with the insight and methodological rigor of a trained ethnographer and linguist, Cazden helped to establish ethnography and discourse analysis as central methodologies for analyzing classroom interaction. This capstone volume highlights her major contributions to the field.
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The Geologic Occurrence of Monazite
The Geologic Occurrence of Monazite
A review of the distribution of monazite and of the geologic controls affecting the amount of thorium in monazite.
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Handbook of Research on Teaching
Handbook of Research on Teaching
The Fifth Edition of the Handbook of Research on Teachingis an essential resource for students and scholars dedicated to the study of teaching and learning. This volume offers a vast array of topics ranging from the history of teaching to technological and literacy issues. In each authoritative chapter, the authors summarize the state of the field while providing conceptual overviews of critical topics related to research on teaching. Each of the volume's 23 chapters is a canonical piece that will serve as a reference tool for the field. The Handbook provides readers with an unaparalleled view of the current state of research on teaching across its multiple facets and related fields.
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Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing E-Book
Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing E-Book
Get a unique, conceptual approach to nursing care in this rapidly changing healthcare environment. Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing, 11th Edition gives you a solid foundation in medical-surgical nursing. This thoroughly revised text includes a more conversational writing style, an increased focus on nursing concepts and clinical trends, strong evidence-based content, and an essential pathophysiology review. Content covers all aspects of nursing care including health promotion, acute intervention, and ambulatory care. Helpful boxes and tables make it easy for you to find essential information, and a building-block approach makes even the most complex concepts simple to grasp. Key topics such as interprofessional care, delegation, safety, and prioritization are integrated throughout. Additionally, extensive drug therapy information and diagnostic studies tables give you a full picture of care. Best of all — a complete collection of learning and study resources helps you learn more effectively and offers valuable, real-world preparation for clinical practice.
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