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Electrical Product Compliance and Safety Engineering, Volume 2
Electrical Product Compliance and Safety Engineering, Volume 2
This second volume of an Artech House bestseller presents an enhanced approach toward product compliance and safety engineering. Written by experts in the field, this new volume presents practical material useful for novice and advanced practitioners. & nbsp; Safety aspects of product approvals, energy management, environmental concerns, material science, radiation, hazardous location, and global market access are explored. Practical features related to global market access are presented, including specific documentation and local labeling requirements, as well as language used for safety instructions and user manuals. Compliance and safety aspects of specific applications, such as information technology equipment, audio-video (multimedia), medical, household, alarms systems, luminaires (including LED-lamps) and lamp control, industrial machinery, and semiconductor manufacturing, are discussed. & nbsp; Environmental attributes, including temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, vibration, shock and packaging/transportation, and how they affect product safety, are analyzed. Information about testing (environmental, HALT, and HASS) is also provided, focusing on the compliance of electrical products with dedicated environmental regulation. Similarities and differences between ATEX and IECEx are defined. Materials, including metal corrosion, adhesives, insulation materials, and information about safety of hazardous materials, are examined.
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Steamboat Modernity
Steamboat Modernity
Through a skillful combination of economic and cultural history, this book describes the impact on Moldavia and Wallachia of steam navigation on the Danube. The Danube route integrated the two principalities into a dense network of European roads and waterways. From the 1830s to the 1860s, steamboat transport transformed time and space for the areas that benefited from regular services. River traffic accelerated urban development along the Lower Danube and contributed directly to institutional modernization in one of Europe’s peripheries. Beyond technological advances and the transportation of goods on a trans-imperial waterway, steamboat travel revolutionized human interactions, too. The book offers a fascinating insight into the social and cultural milieu of the nineteenth century, drawing on first-hand accounts of Danube cruising. Describing the story of travelers who interacted, met, and visited the places they stopped, Constantin Ardeleanu creates a transnational history of travel up and down the Danube from Vienna to Constantinople. The pleasures and sometimes the travails of the travelers unfold against a backdrop of technical and economic transformation in the crucial period of modernization.
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Emil Racoviţă
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