Organization Behaviour for Leisure Services
Organization Behaviour for Leisure Services provides the reader with the conceptual tools necessary for analysing organizational behaviour in the context of hospitality, leisure and tourism provision, and understaanding events in order to take appropriate management action. Taking the view that leisure services involve an array of industry sectors - they are related, for instance, to work-time spent eating, drinking and staying away from home, as well as the more obvious recreational pursuits - the text uses examples and case studies from a wide range of international businesses such as hotels, restaurants, museums, shopping malls and sports stadia. Specific examples used are from Marriotts, McDonald's, Trafford Centre and many more. With a user-friendly structure and style, the text is an ideal introduction to the fundamental issues involved - perfect for students and managers alike. This book discusses and questions a number of key elements, including: The individual and the organization Groups in the organization Organizational structures and behaviour Management within the organization Commercial hospitality, leisure and tourism in a service context There is a Tutor Resource pack available to lecturers who adopt this text. Accredited lecturers can request access to download this material by going to to request access.