Gender and Forestry in Uganda
This report presents a desk review of the institutional, policy and legal frameworks that govern natural resource management/forest management; it also reviews past and present projects, as well as actual practices, including gender and the role of women in forest management in Uganda. It is part of a project by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) to carry out research on gender, tenure and community forests in Uganda and Nicaragua. In Uganda, CIFOR collaborated with the School of Forestry, Environment and Geo-informatics of Makerere University and the Association of Uganda Professional Women in Agriculture and Environment (AUPWAE) to implement this research project. The overall goal of the project is to improve women's tenure rights to forests through their increased participation in community forest usergroups with regard both to decision making and livelihood benefits. Objectives The objectives of the study were to: Establish and evaluate the institutional, legal and policy frameworks that govern natural resource management/forest management, including gender and the role of women in forest management. Identify organisational (and other) factors that impede or enhance implementation of these frameworks, and whether and how organisations collaborate. Discover how gender issues are approached at different levels, the extent to which gender features in projects and programmes (particularly those based on natural resources) and the results of these projects. Methodology: The study was carried out between October 2010 and January 2011, mainly through review of documents, including Uganda's policy and legal documents regarding community forest management and gender .,