The American Math and Science Student Support Act
This document presents the transcript of a congressional hearing to consider the American Math and Science Student Support Act, H.R. 4595. The legislation is designed to address the issue of attracting a greater proportion of U.S. citizens to graduate study in science, mathematics, and engineering. The hearings include testimony and prepared statements from witnesses who have been asked to comment on the possible effects of the bill on increasing the participation of U.S. citizens in such graduate study. Witnesses include Dr. Jules LaPidus, President, Council of Graduate Schools, representing the Association of American Universities, Washington, D.C.; Dr. Frank Morris, Dean of Graduate Studies, Morgan State University, Baltimore, Maryland, and President, Council of Historically Black Graduate Schools; Dr. William Powers, Provost, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan; Dr. Stanford Penner, Professor of Applied Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, University of California, San Diego, California, and Chairman of the National Academy of Sciences Committee on the International Exchange and Movement of Engineers. Appendices include: Dr. Morris' address to the plenary session of the Council of Graduate Schools on Dec. 5, 1991; a letter from J. P. Densler to P. Henry; a statement from NAFSA Association of International Educators; and a statement from the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges. (MDH)