Quick Reference for Emergency Nursing
This handy, pocket-sized reference is indispensable for nurses working in emergency departments! System by system, QUICK REFERENCE FOR EMERGENCY NURSING offers convenient access to vital nursing care guidelines! Covers concepts unique to emergency nursing such as triage, transfer, and organ donation. Provides a wealth of helpful clinical tools, charts, and diagrams, including a table of estimated dates of confinement, charts of drip medications, including cardiac drugs, lists of laboratory values that present both normal ranges and causes of abnormal values, an overview of HIV/AIDS infections, incubation periods for common infectious diseases, immunization schedules, a Rule of Nines chart, criteria for organ donation, a Peak Flow nomogram common trauma/neuro scores and more. Illustrates the application of common splints and other important techniques. Summarizes the complete current ACLS guidelines in quick-reference algorithms to simplify decision-making.